Search results

    1. akimzav

      How can AI learn to fly(or at least try to avoid getting tangled with other ships)

      I think the AI just needs to be taught to maintain distance determined by its tactical state, which, in its turn, is determined by combat role, weapon set (and distribution of possible DPS, also considering accuracy and target's size), both shields and hp (and damage done (in blocks) in this...
    2. akimzav

      Armor, damage and penetration

      I apologize in advance for such a wall of text, but here it comes. One of the biggest problems in Starmade as i see it is that there is no clear reason why not to make death cubes (or spheres, if you know about build helper). They have the best possible ratio of thickness of hull to number of...
    3. akimzav

      A way to REDUCE the amount of blocks placed

      So, what you are proposing is to add blocks, that occupy more space than 1*1*1 m^3 (for example, 2*2*2, 3*3*3 and so on), and that have the same properties (and cost) as the amount of 1*1*1 blocks equal in volume to that larger block (so one 'new' block of power reactors is absolutely equal to...
    4. akimzav

      Flight Mode Camera Suggestion

      +1 for blind spots. Boarding will be more effective and therefore more dangerous to the defending ship without full 3rd person view.
    5. akimzav

      A small but useful tweak for in-game windows

      It's all about where the 'scale areas' are located and how big they are. You sure did scale the window instead of dragging resources for several times, didn't you? Well, I did. Maybe it's just me..
    6. akimzav

      A small but useful tweak for in-game windows

      My suggestion is simple: only allow scaling a window if some key (Ctrl, for example) is held down. You still can move windows freely. The logic behind this is obvious: scaling windows is used much less than repositioning, and miss-click that caused scaling instead of repositioning is really...
    7. akimzav

      Recognized by Council Resources Overhaul

      I am gradually starting to agree with you. Yes, in Starmade universe the size of miner ship and, thus, the speed of resource collection is not in any way limited, as of now. There however is another solution: what if you can not use salvage cannons/another harvesting ship equipment to get...
    8. akimzav

      Planned Remote turret control block

      I am unsure about the fighter remote control to be balanced or not. It is, no doubt, somewhat similar to having an undehinator at a capital ship. The difficulty here is to decide, which method (remote control or on-carrier respawning) is to be marked as 'less fair' than the other. I myself find...
    9. akimzav

      Planned Remote turret control block

      I propose basically the following: make a block which can be connected to docked ship core, and which will will allow taking control of that block it is connected to, maybe in somehow limited way (f.e., can not switch to other docked cores while controlling one, and/or can not undock while...
    10. akimzav

      Recognized by Council Resources Overhaul

      The ideas of various resource spawn locations and unique gathering techniques, as well as resource value tiers really do make sense, and I personaly agree with you on those things and in general. However, I feel that your system can further be improved, as I think there is a better alternative...
    11. akimzav

      Thruster positioning and maximum speed

      The damping seems to be too small, i didn't even notice it before your post :p No, realy, it's good to have it, but now when i see it- that's not enough.
    12. akimzav

      Thruster positioning and maximum speed

      That's why i said about exponential relations. What if the speed limit will still exist, but you'll not get it with just one engine? What if there will be a curve, like: v=V^(1-(1/(n+1))) (a^b is meant to be a in power of b) where V is absolute maximum speed, v is 'local' maximum, for the...
    13. akimzav

      Thruster positioning and maximum speed

      So... You approve don't you?:)
    14. akimzav

      Thruster positioning and maximum speed

      When I first played Starmade, one thing seemed exeptionally odd to me: no matter how hard you try, how many thrusters and in which shapes do you place, your ship's maximum speed will be the same. Now I'm suggesting to fix that. How do I see the solution: Each parallelepiped of thrusters...