Search results

    1. Edymnion

      Freighter Ship and Escort Ship AI Setting

      How about this for an AI ship setting? Automated freighters. You build a ship, give it storage containers, and a Bobby AI set to Freighter. If it detects that it's linked storage containers are empty, it attempts to dock at the nearest friendly faction docking port. If it detects items in...
    2. Edymnion

      More Useful Galaxy Map

      Perhaps the biggest qualm I have with the game at this point is the galaxy map. I know its currently in a "there it works well enough, move on to something more important" stage, but these are the upgrades I'd like to see it eventually get: 1) Show me the facing of my ship. Currently the only...
    3. Edymnion

      Can't Pay Off Base?

      So on a server I was setting up a warp gate between spawn and my home base, several systems away. Quick detour to kill a pirate base that was too close to where I wanted to put the gate exit, and I find an abandoned station right next to it. A cathedral. You know, the church ship with the big...
    4. Edymnion

      Minor Request: Active Warp Gate Effects

      I'm sure somebody has mentioned this before, probably quite often, but quick Search didn't bring it up, so here it is again. Instead of having the warp gate computer constantly announce "Warp Gate Ready", could we please have a visual effect on the warp gate itself? You know, like the nether...
    5. Edymnion

      How to Easily Get from Ship to Station

      Something I never saw mentioned anywhere that is insanely useful to me that I thought bore repeating. If you are in a docked ship, the Up and Down arrow keys will cycle you through all other ships that are also docked to the same base. It makes you jump directly into their cores. If, like me...
    6. Edymnion

      Warpgates: Close the Iris!

      So before I go spending a couple million setting up some sta...warpgates, I have a question I don't see right off from the Search. What happens to a ship that enters a warpgate when the other end has blast doors closing it over on both sides? Does the jump fail, does the ship ignore the doors...
    7. Edymnion

      Area Triggers & Ship Shapes?

      Can't log in to build a quick oddly shaped ship to test this right now, but does anyone know off the top of their head how an area trigger responds to a ship passing through it? As in, does any part inside the bound box of the ship's dimensions trigger the sensor, does it trigger only if an...
    8. Edymnion

      Use Copy/Paste to Create Holodecks

      The game already has a (somewhat) usable copy/paste function, could we use that to move blocks around with logic to create a holodeck? As in, say we make a 40x40x40 cube empty room, even make it black with the yellow grid. Off to the sides hidden from view are premade "rooms". Use some logic...
    9. Edymnion

      Can you put two wedges in one space?

      I'd love to be able to put say a standard armor wedge and a plex door wedge in the same block position, flipped so that the two halves made one solid block. I have a lot of hatchways for instance that I make round using wall wedges. Is there a way to push a door wedge up flush with a wall wedge?
    10. Edymnion

      Deep Space Loot to Ship Storage

      When fighting pirates, many times you get a satisfying loot cloud floating in space. Fly through it, pick up loot, nice and simple. Except that all the loot goes into your personal inventory, meaning after virtually every cloud you have to stop, sort into ship inventory, and keep going. Could...
    11. Edymnion

      Link Inventories of Docked Ships to Stations

      So when I go pirate harvesting, I always come back with many boxes full of blocks. I fill up my inventory, leave the ship, and hike over to my storage locker on my base. I spend several minutes sorting everything out, then go back to my ship and do it again. Lather, rinse, repeat for 10-15...
    12. Edymnion

      Deactivate Turrets through Dock via Logic

      I've heard there is a turret overhaul coming, so maybe this is already in that, but putting it out there anyway, just in case. Instead of having the turret active/disabled be something we have to get out of our ship and enter the turret to click on the Bobby AI, have the turret docking block...
    13. Edymnion

      Turret Shield Nova

      Right now Pulse as a Master slot weapon is pretty limited in what it can do, simply because it is so rare to have an enemy ship get that close to you, but it got me thinking. What is routinely close enough to you to be affected by a pulse blast? Answer, your turrets. Could we make it to where...
    14. Edymnion

      Change Missile Slave to Multiple Straight Fires

      Currently when you slave a missile to just about anything you get a shotgun effect that fires off rather uncontrollably in all directions. This seems rather useless to me, as it can't be aimed, and if what you're trying to hit isn't within ramming distance they don't get hit at all, or they...
    15. Edymnion

      Array Names/Icons

      Just a simple one, but currently we tell the difference between various arrays based on their computer icons, and many of the icons look very much alike. In combat, it can be quite difficult to tell the difference between say a missile/cannon array and a missile/beam array, you just have to...
    16. Edymnion

      Mining Stations

      So I've read that the current asteroid respawning is actually a bug and that this is not their intended behavior. Its also currently against many server rules to mine planets, because of the lag created by taking large ships near them. So how about the ability to build mining stations? First...
    17. Edymnion


      Currently when my ships take a lot of damage in combat, I simply go into build mode, delete the entire ship, and then spawn a new copy from blueprints. I personally don't like the feel of this, just seems like the ship you spent a month building by hand that served you through thick and thin...