Just to Show you Fellas GI isnt sleepy or tired - we're working on things.
This one is something what will not be on the Dock earlier bcuz it is something gmodism has use of it
for a AWESOME! project.
Someday it will be online for downloading but not after Finishing the "project" gmodism has...
GI Ongoing Project(Only planphase,not a Date when i start building.)
Dreadnought Class - Name: Unknown now
400-600m Lenght - 100-200m Height - 200-350m Width
10x Hardpoints for Big Beam weapons
10x Hardpoints for Big AM cannons
5x Hardpoints Small AM Cannons
25x Hardpoints AMS/T...
Updates: Gmodism has changed a bit of details , also seperated the Weaponcluster.
AntiMatter Cannon solo on Cluster now
Missles are Seperated to - 2 on each wing max 4 +1 on front upper section of hull.
Valakiron - Hybrid Cruiser/Frigate
The Valakiron is a new Hybrid Command Ship of the Actually GI-Fleet.
It is made for Command your Ships and also Stay in Defence Mode.
It will probably handle himself with its Firepower,it is Fused with in imbue...
Class: - Sized Fighter
Function: - Support Flagship/Cruisers
No Special Features.
The Lenght isnt rly counting as far as u see the nose of its its pretty much only Hull.
Weapon Setups:
5Railed AM Gun
5Railed IonM Silo via 3 Groups.
Xeratus Military MK4
(HE-HighExplosiv/LO-Lock-on/PT-Piercing Thrugh)
2 x 10 HE/LO/Missles
1 x ION/LO/Missles
1 x HE/PT/Missles
4 x 2 AMG(AntiMissleGuns)
The Xeratus is not that Agil but good at support more defensiv ships from range this is why i choose...
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