Search results

    1. xaubercrow

      The Gmodism Industries [ GI ]

      Then take a look at this i finished the top of it - but erm haha i will probably change later a bit im pretty sure.
    2. xaubercrow

      The Gmodism Industries [ GI ]

      Just to Show you Fellas GI isnt sleepy or tired - we're working on things. This one is something what will not be on the Dock earlier bcuz it is something gmodism has use of it for a AWESOME! project. Someday it will be online for downloading but not after Finishing the "project" gmodism has...
    3. xaubercrow

      The Gmodism Industries [ GI ]

      GI Ongoing Project(Only planphase,not a Date when i start building.) Dreadnought Class - Name: Unknown now Planned: 400-600m Lenght - 100-200m Height - 200-350m Width 10x Hardpoints for Big Beam weapons 10x Hardpoints for Big AM cannons 5x Hardpoints Small AM Cannons 25x Hardpoints AMS/T...
    4. xaubercrow

      GI_Flammeth - MK3

      Updates: Gmodism has changed a bit of details , also seperated the Weaponcluster. AntiMatter Cannon solo on Cluster now Missles are Seperated to - 2 on each wing max 4 +1 on front upper section of hull.
    5. xaubercrow

      The Gmodism Industries [ GI ]

      Ouh man if someone think i read all of this .. screw it! :P :D (read anything secret so noone notice)
    6. xaubercrow

      Oh right new Ship got Released Check it out! Gi-Fleet got more Mighty as before!! ]:D

      Oh right new Ship got Released Check it out! Gi-Fleet got more Mighty as before!! ]:D
    7. xaubercrow

      GI_Valakiron X3

      Valakiron - Hybrid Cruiser/Frigate cb3169d0dfca42319cc9c1cc837e1c45 The Valakiron is a new Hybrid Command Ship of the Actually GI-Fleet. It is made for Command your Ships and also Stay in Defence Mode. It will probably handle himself with its Firepower,it is Fused with in imbue...
    8. xaubercrow

      Oh right Fellas! - Time has come couple of days a Showcase will be released - also Check...

      Oh right Fellas! - Time has come couple of days a Showcase will be released - also Check Gmodism's Youtube Channel - The Valakiron is Born!
    9. xaubercrow

      GI_Flammeth MK3

      923019814f9144b58f244ef2407f6773 Flammeth Class: - Sized Fighter Function: - Support Flagship/Cruisers No Special Features. Rig The Lenght isnt rly counting as far as u see the nose of its its pretty much only Hull. Weapon Setups: 5Railed AM Gun 5Railed IonM Silo via 3 Groups.
    10. xaubercrow

      im Finally back after alot of Troubles with my thing what i sadly call "My PC" :P

      im Finally back after alot of Troubles with my thing what i sadly call "My PC" :P
    11. xaubercrow

      GI_Yuma X1

      GI Yuma X1 Systems: Power: 88,097 PowerRecharge: 25,922.5 e/sec Shield: 959 Shieldrecharge: 77 s/sec Optional Systems: Size: Lenght 49M - Width 15M - Height 29M Mass: 229,4 Blockcount 2502 Structure: 85,255 Armor: 94,300
    12. xaubercrow

      GI_Terasonister - X3 Update

    13. xaubercrow

      GI_Warpgate -Loriel- 2016-02-25

      Warpgate -Loriel- Optional Screenshots Systems: ---Following--- Size: 150 Diameter // 75m Each Directions. it is a Classic Mirrored Warpgate nothing really special.
    14. xaubercrow

      GI_Terasonister - Overhauled

      Changes Cameras: 3 added New Interior New Turrets Changed Amount of Turrets Overhauled all Weaponsystems.
    15. xaubercrow

      GI_Terasonister MK 4

      Terasonister Weaponsystems: 1x2 Nuclear Missles // 8x AMS guns /x4 Tubes // 3x AMS Guns /x1 Tube // Decoy Missles /x18 Tube// !!!OLD VIDEO!!! Optional Systems: Video: Gmodism !!!NEW VIDEO!!! Followed Screenshots LORE: (read only! bcuz i like to give my Work Actually a Lore :p )...
    16. xaubercrow

      GI_Apyritik - Short update

      Cameras Added
    17. xaubercrow

      GI_Apyritik - MK2

      Update: Shield Increased ShieldReg increased 2 Turrets instead of 3 1 Autopulse instead of 4 1 Manuel pulse instead of 2 Hull overhaul Seat Fixed/Alignment Cockpit slighlty overhauled
    18. xaubercrow

      GI_Apyritik MK 2

      Apyritik Description: Close range/Melee Pulsecrusher 3x2 Ion Cannon's 4x1 Autopulser (not fully configurabled) 2x2 Heavy Crush Pulses upcomming patch Fixed Seat - slab to Corner Fixed SeatCore - Right placed not upside down. Weaponsystem Increased Logistic System overhaul Shield Increased...
    19. xaubercrow

      Xeratus Military MK4 2016-02-13

      Xeratus Military MK4 Weapons: (HE-HighExplosiv/LO-Lock-on/PT-Piercing Thrugh) 2 x 10 HE/LO/Missles 1 x ION/LO/Missles 1 x HE/PT/Missles Sup-Weapon: 4 x 2 AMG(AntiMissleGuns) Description: The Xeratus is not that Agil but good at support more defensiv ships from range this is why i choose...