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    1. JTF2014

      Planetary Loot

      i have found plex storages on "Earth" planets in the new update which has a similar amount per storage as the pirate chests. the storages are found in the city plates of planets that contain storages
    2. JTF2014

      Fleet Buster 2014-06-10

      well balanced cannon/ship that will not go down without a fight against isanths fires cluster missiles
    3. JTF2014

      Broken Gravity and Broken D1000s

      With the new update the artificial grav blocks will not allow me to jump without being kicked out of the grav field while near large objects. D1000s do no launch rockets, as in the guy says they fired but no damage is dealt and i don't see any rockets getting launch from cannons I also can't...
    4. JTF2014

      Inhabited Planets

      Why not have genesis planets (planets with grass and trees) be inhabited and the inhabitants have quests that give either money or blocks/ new weapons?