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    1. lazarus78


      Also, faction ranks, the 2nd rank says \"2rd\" instead.
    2. lazarus78

      A few simple suggestions.

      Greetings! Like most everyone, I have some suggestions. Now I will preface this thread by saying that I have not read trhough much of any of the suggestion board, there is just way too many, so if my suggestions have already been suggested, or confirmed for implimentation in the future, then...
    3. lazarus78

      Latest patch crashing with build blocks

      Same for me. 3 attempts to enter build block with null crash.
    4. lazarus78


      My main ship could fly around inside that with ease. Its only 35x13x12. XD
    5. lazarus78

      Rail gun

      Charging a rail gun makes no sense. They function by having an array of capaciters that charge up, but as soon as you pull the trigger, they fire. There is already a meter for the ship power levels. Just have rail guns take a large chunck of it each time it fires. Technically speaking, in an...