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    1. E

      [RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

      Character Name Eatcake9 Age:15 Personality:Quiet, like to follow rather than lead, Rational/Reasonable Bio: 15 years old whose only Star Made experience is from running a small Hamachi server with my brother but I have made some impressive...
    2. E

      After I updated my graphics card driver the starter gives me this error

      I used to have the problem you are talking about until I updated my graphics card driver to the latest version. Now I get this error
    3. E

      After I updated my graphics card driver the starter gives me this error Edit: This is what says about my driver yet i still get an error
    4. E

      StarMade 0.0939: Personal Shops

      ****I have an Intel Graphics Card on my computer****
    5. E

      StarMade 0.0939: Personal Shops

      Played the game fine last night with no problem but after I updated to this version the game has been telling me to update my graphics card driver after I already updated it. So, I deleted the starmade starter icon on my desktop screen and then redownloaded it in hopes that it would fix...