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    1. Kaisaurus

      Logic Cortex -Programmable Microprocessor (WIP)

      Oh alright ! Well then a question coming to my mind, when you copy paste a bunch of logic does the wiring stay the same in the copy ?
    2. Kaisaurus

      Thank you for the French translation of the game

      C'est clair que ça fait plaisir ! ^_^ Sure, it's pleasing us ! :rolleyes:
    3. Kaisaurus

      Allow Decorative blocks to be slabbed

      Yep, need this !
    4. Kaisaurus

      Logic Cortex -Programmable Microprocessor (WIP)

      You sir, have all the goddamn respect i can give ! Btw, don't you spend more time connecting the logic together than actually building it ? I guess it takes some serious dedication !
    5. Kaisaurus

      Logic Parser Block

      Pretty good idea, with plenty of possibilities !
    6. Kaisaurus

      (Another) Weapon Rework

      I think that the current weapon system is pretty fine and offers a respectable panel of possibilities. Ofc it could use one or more addictionnal weapons, that would even more increase the possibilities, since every additionnal system would offer a new slave for each one already existing. Adding...
    7. Kaisaurus

      Sets of blocks in creative mode

      Hey fellows ! Everyone who plays in creative mode, knows the "bother" when you have to pick again and again the blocks you want in the menu, everytime you re-log on. So I thought, why not giving the option to save sets of blocks, I mean, saving your current hotbar status and being able to load...
    8. Kaisaurus

      dark shipyard

      Cute af ! :eek:
    9. Kaisaurus

      The_Owl's Ships.

      Definitely has more shapes than the first one, so yeah there is progress ! :)
    10. Kaisaurus

      Chilupa Shipyards

      Well there's not much to say to be honest ! As you said yourself, it's a pretty basic shape and design. And i'm not experienced enough to comment the weapons efficiency :D But yeah, keep it up ! :)
    11. Kaisaurus

      Supernova Shipyard

      Such an awesome ship ! :eek:
    12. Kaisaurus

      The Bane Existence (Procedural Faction)

      Is that the space fleet of Mordor ? :D Jokes aside, really cool !! I really like this "dark" style ! Good job man !
    13. Kaisaurus

      Kingofanime's Ships

      Pretty nice ! I like the style !
    14. Kaisaurus

      dark shipyard

      Pretty dank !!!
    15. Kaisaurus

      Kingofanime's Ships

      Cute ! ;)
    16. Kaisaurus

      The_Owl's Ships.

      Everyone started with ships that were ... meh ... So yeah don't worry, just keep it up and you'll progress ! :)
    17. Kaisaurus

      World won't load, no discrepancies found.

      Paullus YOU SIR, ARE MY SAVIOR ! thank you !
    18. Kaisaurus

      Suggested Activation block and displays

      Oh right ! Didn't think about that !
    19. Kaisaurus

      Suggested Activation block and displays

      Fine then, if it's already on the devs mind !
    20. Kaisaurus

      Suggested Activation block and displays

      Hello fellow starmadians ! Just had an idea passing thought my mind, with all the logic gates and systems rising I was thinking about a feature that would allow for displays to show if an activation block is on or off. Something like getting into the display a code as [BlockState+"ID"] or...