Search results

    1. DreadShimmra

      Dirae Crucem Industries

      We are currently looking for applicants/prospective departmental/section heads for the faction, as we are looking to majorly expand our presence on Illusive
    2. DreadShimmra

      Dirae Crucem Industries

      DCI\'s policy on faction relations is very simple, As long as people are civil to us, we will be civil in kind, like begets like. As for myself personally, I honestly like to be friendly with whomever is willing to be friendly. I offer no voting incentives, Illusive and HSZ both require no...
    3. DreadShimmra

      Dirae Crucem Industries

      I never have and never will tell my friends what they can or cannot fly. and you are more than welcome to join us on HSZ
    4. DreadShimmra

      Dirae Crucem Industries

      I left it there for you
    5. DreadShimmra

      Dirae Crucem Industries

      Indeed, I had figured it was high time to put up a post, since we are getting so big on Illusive :)
    6. DreadShimmra

      Dirae Crucem Industries

      I am Dread Shimmra, Founder and current head of Dirae Crucem Industries, DCI for short. Honoris, lucrum, Fratrum We are a muti-national, multi server community, and are currently recruiting. Our main areas of operation are HSZ, Illusive, and our newly opened branch on NASS. Our faction aims...
    7. DreadShimmra


      In all honesty, it would probably be easier to implement teleportation/trasporters in more of a \"site to site\" useage, like from the bridge to a cargo bay, or from the transporter room to the starbase/planet, the largest gripe that I keep on finding is that people want transporters to be able...
    8. DreadShimmra

      The DFN- Recruiting Experienced fighters.

      That post you are referencing of ours was for the \"mutiny war\" we have no quarrel with you, and as I am an Admin on HSZ, me and mine bear no ill will towards you. The declaration of war was for Rub12, as he had shot me after I had freely offered my help with an issue he had docking a turret...
    9. DreadShimmra

      Compositecraft Gaming Small Server TS3 Avaliable, Blueprints allowed, no block limit.

      Server I.P: Teamspeak 3 I.P: Password: Available upon pm'd request, or if requested in game Website: Send a PM or post here, ideally with age(optional) other games played(optional) and whether or not you would like access to our...