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    1. Ithirahad

      Kupu's thread

      Ew, no! I like my brown as brown, thank you very much. No reason to go changing colors that are already useful as they are. (and that generally aren't complained about) Just add another...
    2. Ithirahad

      The Aethi Imperium //Now recruiting!\\

      Uhm, accepted. Sorry for the delay. Accepted! No idea where to place you yet, though. Welcome back.
    3. Ithirahad

      Recognized by Council Faction Rank Expansion

      Assigning ships should be another permission option configurable for each rank. Also, if a player created and factioned a ship, they should be able to claim it for themself regardless of rank permissions.
    4. Ithirahad

      I am Ithirahad Ivrar'kiim tal'Vandar na'Tirhaannya, Arana'Aethi, orn-toreneth e Avari'Esten...

      I am Ithirahad Ivrar'kiim tal'Vandar na'Tirhaannya, Arana'Aethi, orn-toreneth e Avari'Esten, tiaran'... Ooh shiny!
    5. Ithirahad

      The Odium Pact

      A recent update broke a lot of images... :\
    6. Ithirahad

      Enemy bases in claimed territory should drain faction points.

      Simple solution, don't claim your system... Then your homebase is as invincible as ever... You just don't get the mining multiplier. In practice, not nearly enough to bring down an enemy homebase, otherwise there would be at least a few actual wars happening. usually the enemy just loses 50...
    7. Ithirahad

      Enemy bases in claimed territory should drain faction points.

      That is actually a really good idea... kind of... ish. But there's this certain feeling I get when abstraction goes over the line from reasonable to eeeeh. Enemy bases in your space reducing your offensive, defensive, and diplomatic abilities? Sure. A machine that does that? Meh... It makes...
    8. Ithirahad

      HUD block

      Also, HUD Wedge (Slope) and HUD Wedge (Flat). I.e. glass wedges with the data on the slope or the flat part respectively.
    9. Ithirahad

      Enemy bases in claimed territory should drain faction points.

      For one thing, there would probably be a downward curve, maxing out at a hardcap of maybe 100 points per turn. Second, if we get NPC reinforcements, they'd be automatically sent to those stations...
    10. Ithirahad

      Criss' Thread

      It be the holidays still.
    11. Ithirahad

      Kupu's thread

      A dark red would be good, actually. But if we're to have another color, I find tan/beige to be more needed... You can usually substitute in red for dark red, though it won't look very good, but unless you don't want wedges there's no material that can substitute for tan. Brown is too dark and...
    12. Ithirahad

      Enemy bases in claimed territory should drain faction points.

      But if you find their homebase (which you can; the coordinates are listed on the faction menu) and they don't have the system claimed there's not much you can do. :P It's only when a faction starts claiming territory that they can lose faction points, and once a territory claim disappears...
    13. Ithirahad

      Where did all the playerbase and faction fun go?

      ...But a plan for what? Aside from engineering large projects, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of long-term goals in this game. Many MMOs seem to use guild systems that require resources, sometimes from dungeons, to rank up. EvE Online uses... well, truth be told, I don't know what they...
    14. Ithirahad


      Deploying lava walls in 3... 2... screw countdowns. LAVA!
    15. Ithirahad

      Status of "strong" modding?

      This would be a bad idea considering how obfuscation works and how often SM patches at the moment. You know how mods all have to update every update? Yeah, StarMade has that too, and it would be worse.
    16. Ithirahad

      Enemy bases in claimed territory should drain faction points.

      Currently there's no sustainable way of draining enemy faction points; this would create one. Every enemy station (Yes, including pirate stations) in your territory would cause you to lose a certain number of faction points per turn... maybe 25 or so. EDIT: Having a claimed base in enemy...
    17. Ithirahad

      SFIS - 2-4-1c -Irkutsk- (WIP)

      No turrets?
    18. Ithirahad

      USS Sao Paulo (Defiant Re-fit)

      Give the way max speed works now, you might as well ditch the Overdrive, I'd say.
    19. Ithirahad

      Small ships dogfighting

      We're getting an entirely new set of pirate ships, Trading Guild ships, and even an entirely new AI faction (with its own fleet) with the future AI updates.
    20. Ithirahad

      The Odium Pact

      *Feliz Nauvridad