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    1. aceface

      StarMade Prebuild 0.09425: Too many open files

      What has this update done which can be noticed in the game?
    2. aceface

      My take on a new AMC system

      HAHA! I totally agree with this cartoon you made and looks awesome :D The unfortunate thing is Schema appears to have stopped checking the suggestions a few months ago
    3. aceface

      My take on a new AMC system

      HAHA! I totally agree with this cartoon you made and looks awesome :D The unfortunate thing is Schema appears to have stopped checking the suggestions a few months ago
    4. aceface

      StarMade Prebuild 0.09424 missile fix and balance

      Or maybe have shields like they are now, but drain A LOT of power when taking hits
    5. aceface

      StarMade Prebuild 0.09415: Optmized some parts

      Nice job Robin....I can\'t wait for the big new feature ;)
    6. aceface

      StarMade Prebuild 0.094 (+)

      I hope this big feature will be simple yet game random missions to earn credits, I feel like a derp raiding space stations with the 10x10x10 in singleplayer, the only point of singleplayer at this point is basically to cheat and build. Survival kinda sucks unless you\'re on servers.
    7. aceface

      StarMade 0.94: More stability and lots of fixes

      schema i\'m not seeing any option in server.cfg about turning speed, even if i delete it so it generates a new one and play a bit, it\'s still not there :(
    8. aceface

      StarMade 0.94: More stability and lots of fixes

      yay finally someone who agrees.
    9. aceface

      StarMade 0.94: More stability and lots of fixes

      i don\'t care, it\'s a lot better now because you can make nice fighters
    10. aceface

      StarMade 0.94: More stability and lots of fixes

      no the new turning physics is good don\'t know what you\'re talking about
    11. aceface

      StarMade 0.94: More stability and lots of fixes

      Nice job Schema, once again, you\'ve amazed us with your programming skills!
    12. aceface

      Hopefully last prebuild before release.

      But they\'ll not do it according to the way schema originally planned it
    13. aceface

      Hopefully last prebuild before release.

      I said this on two news updates, and nobody ever replied to me!
    14. aceface

      StarMade Pre-Build 0.093992

    15. aceface

      StarMade Pre-Build 0.093992

      Schema, I don\'t know if you have already seen my previous comment, but can you make it possible to change the effect mass has on turning speed in the server.cfg?
    16. aceface

      StarMade Pre-Build 0.093991

      Schema, could you make it possible to change how much mass affects turn rate in server.cfg? It would be very appreciated.
    17. aceface

      StarMade Pre-Build 0.09399: step by step

      How long until the full release of this patch comes out? IT SEEMS SO EPIC!
    18. aceface

      Better Core Over heating.

      Gameplay is more important than realism. Say engines are hit in a ship...the fuel will combust, and if they are nuclear powered it will melt down and molten metal will be flying everywhere. There\'s is also plenty of oxygen in the ship to use as an oxidizer. The fire will be put out quickly, but...
    19. aceface

      StarMade Prebuild 0.09397: more fixes, projectile speed

      Guava, it\'s very tasty!
    20. aceface

      StarMade Prebuild 0.09397: more fixes, projectile speed

      Schema, just your name pronounced sheema or sckeema?