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    1. The_Owl

      Prerelease v0.200.250

    2. The_Owl

      Aceface's EVE ships

      The fact both appear to have that odd as shit tail thing is a massive giveaway that their inspired by the Same thing, and if I had to guess using the same shell for each.
    3. The_Owl

      Steam Direct Connect

      Tbh the steam workshop would be much better than the cc to use.
    4. The_Owl

      Dovan Empire (Recruiting!)

      """meme""" I see it as glorious Warfare against the heretics.
    5. The_Owl

      The League of Australian Shitposters

      I'll give you -1000000 Dogecoin
    6. The_Owl

      The League of Australian Shitposters

      DO you accept Dogecoin
    7. The_Owl

      Prerelease v0.200.250

      Y'know, it'd be nice to hear something from the devs right now
    8. The_Owl

      P2 fighter/bomber scale

      The difference is that the shields, Impenetrable to the weapons, are still up. And the ship is dying, which is the main issue i have. the issue with fighters is entirely personally based. Im not familiar with Galactica and battletech, and most managa/anime are just stupid in other ways so i...
    9. The_Owl

      P2 fighter/bomber scale

      The Only Sci-Fi i can think of where fighters are able to damage capital ships easily and destroy shields is starwars, which is not a Sci-fi that i feel has much of a focus on Ship warfare as it uses them to stage key events, with ships that fit this purpose and seem to change randomly depending...
    10. The_Owl

      P2 fighter/bomber scale

      How to make PvP even more scarce: Make your ship die when the enemy haven't even destroyed the shields. Kudos schine, you've managed to fuck the game even more than we thought was possible.
    11. The_Owl

      Stabilizer Poll

      5.6% for keeping stabilisers the way they are out of 125 votes (at time of writing) I think that counts as something being decisively wrong then.
    12. The_Owl

      The League of Australian Shitposters

      but who won
    13. The_Owl

      If you could add/change/remove one thing in Starmade, what would it be?

      The earlier they add proper lore the harder it can get to actually fit in certain ideas for the same "universe". Although this could be just an issue I have.
    14. The_Owl

      If you could add/change/remove one thing in Starmade, what would it be?

      Docked shield injectors were fun amiright
    15. The_Owl

      The League of Australian Shitposters

    16. The_Owl

      The Dominion of Trident (OLD THREAD)

      20880435 total blocks to be precise. Untold my ass.
    17. The_Owl

      Prerelease v0.200.250

      tbh if a Stanley Kubrick movie took that long it'd likely be really bloody good.
    18. The_Owl

      bote of the Spess?

      bote of the Spess?
    19. The_Owl


    20. The_Owl

      The Dominion of Trident (OLD THREAD)

      10/10 would board again