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    1. Lecic


      lolwat You do realize that Nuclear Doughnut is bringing EE back shortly, right? He just needs to get a bit more of the hardware.
    2. Lecic

      Why enforcing the use of stations?

      Wait, do factories actually not work on ships? I've put them on ships and opened them up before, just never tested to see if they can produce anything. This is different from putting a shipyard on a ship, which will crash the game when you try to open the computer.
    3. Lecic

      LCB Starmade Hardcore

      fixed the order and events for you :^)
    4. Lecic

      LCB Starmade Hardcore

      >steal one (1) ship at spawn and immediately return it >shoot some guys who shot at your first >kill one single newbie >proceed to get killed multiple times and camped at spawn and stolen from by people complaining about me stealing from spawn
    5. Lecic

      LCB Starmade Hardcore

      Rememeber boys, the most important part of brobaganda is lying about why you did something
    6. Lecic

      Read by Council An Idea Regarding Shipbuilding Businesses on Servers

      What I'd prefer for shipwrights is being able to sell "locked" ships, which has all system blocks instead be a flat grey color, and prevent modifying/saving BPs of that ship. This means a skilled shipwright can sell ships without worrying about only selling a single copy before everyone and...
    7. Lecic

      Planned Another Planet Thread

      I'm going to say "no" on ring worlds, because I think we should keep copying things from other games to a minimum. Especially since ring worlds require an artificial creator... do we REALLY want to just flat out copy the ring worlds from Halo (minus the weapon bit)? Come on. Volcanic planets...
    8. Lecic

      Why do you build big ships?

      I don't. I try and fit as murderous a package as I can in a small space.
    9. Lecic

      LCB Starmade Hardcore

      Three Four ways. Setting shields to station only through a custom block config. Enabling the setting to automatically delete ships containing station only parts. Modifying the ship core to have zero shields through a custom block config. Deleting any ships that manage to bypass this.
    10. Lecic

      The Aethi Imperium //Now recruiting!\\

    11. Lecic

      does anyone alse miss the old turret system?

      Worse than 5x5x5, actually. It was 7x7x7.
    12. Lecic

      Status of "strong" modding?

      I wouldn't call it paranoid to prevent people from being able to steal your game...
    13. Lecic

      Looking for input on my first ship

      The side could use some more detail. Put greebles, or fake interior, or turrets, or small side/rotation engine ports on it.
    14. Lecic

      Things You Never Use

    15. Lecic

      The Aethi Imperium //Now recruiting!\\

      Eser-Kalan refit complete.
    16. Lecic

      Read by Council Shield Classes

      Grinding isn't "work." It's boring tedium that requires no actual effort and does not display actual skill. This is part of why I'm extremely glad that resource gathering will mainly be automated in the future, as it doesn't give people who can dedicate 12 hours a day to the game a massive edge.
    17. Lecic

      Things You Never Use

      Shield drain is extremely useful, seeing as how damage you do to the enemy goes back into your own tanks. Power drain is kind of useful in that it makes up for the power it drains in firing, but it's so bad compared to just using EMP in terms of damage. Beam/Pulse/Ion is fantastic, though...
    18. Lecic

      Read by Council Shield Classes

      I don't really like the idea of a super shield. It just encourages grinding to obtain it, making whoever has the most free time to grind missions for that special shield is going to have a huge advantage in any battle. The idea of different shield types being more resistant to different weapons...
    19. Lecic

      Read by Council Be able to shoot diffrent weapons at the same time.

      What solution would you suggest to 1) being able to fire massive amounts of lock ons at once for no debuff 2) being able to bypass the decreasing effectiveness of cannon punching for no debuff 3) being able to fire massive beam waffle shotguns with no debuff being added if this suggestion was added?