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    1. Comr4de

      Faster Travel Suggestion: Jumpgate cores

      If there were other environmental hazards that prevented a jump (suns, black holes, nebulae) then it\'s not neccesarily a confirmed fact that a faction base is there. Also, would it not be easier to put the jump blocks on the ship itself or a station? If it\'s on a station there\'s no way the...
    2. Comr4de

      Comr4de's screenshot thread

      I wasn\'t aware she already had a thread. Editing thread back.
    3. Comr4de

      To anyone who knows about Command & Conquer games

      I would recommend exploring a few ice planets. Ice crystals grow in formations similar to tiberium, and are just as expensive. They give off a blue light, so I guess that\'s partially what you\'re looking for.
    4. Comr4de

      Any thoughts on my first ship?

      Very good! is it possible to get a shot from the rear of the ship?
    5. Comr4de

      Comr4de's screenshot thread

      I\'m asking you to delete your images. You already have a thread, no need to spam your pictures all over the place. Thanks.
    6. Comr4de

      Question for schema in post. "Weapon Control Block" proposal.

      First point of order, are you saying that weapons blocks aboard the mother ship would be benefiting the turrets? I\'m not sure that\'s possible, at least the way weapons work right now. If I\'m misunderstanding you, please let me know. Second, did you really post this elsewhere then copy +...
    7. Comr4de

      Comr4de's Neato Guide on Basic Spaceship Design

      I intend to go further into detail concerning hull design and weapons tomorrow night. I hope this is enough to clear things up for some of the people just getting into the game.
    8. Comr4de

      Comr4de's Neato Guide on Basic Spaceship Design

      As of late, I've noticed quite a few people having difficulty getting started in the game. This isn't for lack of a tutorial; there's a perfectly good one in place by Schema. However, not only does it not touch upon major and advanced aspects of the game, but not enough people seem to know how...
    9. Comr4de

      Comr4de's screenshot thread

      No reason not to
    10. Comr4de

      Comr4de's screenshot thread

      more coming, I\'ll post them when i get back from work
    11. Comr4de

      Comr4de's screenshot thread

      since I've made enough ships for a lifetime, I figured I'd dump some pictures here. Obex
    12. Comr4de


      Send me a message here on the forums or on steam. I\'ll be posting the IP to the new server shortly on the steam group.
    13. Comr4de

      Wanted: Forum Mod

      Also, again, if you need help with moderation, I am available. I\'ve moderated other (albeit smaller,) game forums before. Thanks!
    14. Comr4de

      Multi-directional attack

      you could mount turrets to your ship problem solved
    15. Comr4de

      More Advanced Bases

      \"bases with defence systems\" build a space station and dock some turrets to it using the turret docking system \"items you cant get anywhere else\" factories
    16. Comr4de


    17. Comr4de

      Ship Cores

      Or perhaps you could find places without people! This game is competitive by nature. If you\'re afraid someone is going to enter your ship, find a place where there\'s nobody else. If not, you could join a faction and utilize the faction module to prevent anyone who isnt in your faction from...
    18. Comr4de

      Ship balance/gravity

      start digging
    19. Comr4de

      Cant Login

      Whatever server you are attempting to connect to may be down or full. Check one of the many server lists available to see if this may be the case.
    20. Comr4de


      After the server manager opens, a second window with a black background and blue star on the bottom right corner should pop up, and that is the actual game. Wait a minute or so after the server manager opens. If that doesn\'t work, make sure you are clicking the \"start game\" button, and not...