Four cube ships 101x101x101 blocks with a marker grid every 10 blocks. One with no shields or armor, one with armor, one with shields, and one with armor and shields.
Since the update any new turret I make won't fully rotate. Just the section I'm in will rotate like it doesn't recognize that the 2 sections are together. Any old turrets still work.
I made the bottom base of a remote control car with no top. I'd like to see some people design different tops for it.
It is controllable from the inside with 5 buttons or from a 3x3x3 remote ship docked inside. It turns left and right, goes forward and backwards and turns on and off.
If you...
No, you can't turn the flip-flop off manually and you can't activate the gravity unit in a chain, but if I want others to use the same gravity unit then the flip-flop won't do it.
I want 2 blocks; one that when it is activated on a gravity unit will turn your gravity on but wont turn it off if...
That doesn't work with blocks like gravity units. I want a block that can tell blocks like gravity units to only activate or only deactivate the gravity unit for the triggering player.
I would like to see a logic blocks added that set blocks they are connected to to activated or deactivated only w/o toggling them.
Mostly I want this so you can put them on a gravity unit and have it only turn the players gravity on or off w/o the player being able to use the same logic circuit...
They could have an extra set of controls pop up under the orientation controls for blocks like docking, like how it shows up now with blocks that have orientation vs those that don't.
I would like to see a way to set which way the face of a docking module is facing.
For example, currently if your docking module is facing up (the red side when editing) your ships will always face forward in line with the ship you are docking to. It would be nice to be able to rotate that face.
Add a block that looks like an energy field and you can pass through it.
Currently I duplicated the water block and made the dupe able to be passed through.
link 1 gate to its destination by clicking on the first gates computer/module and then clicking anywhere on the destination structure.
So we can have several gates on 1 structure going to different destinations.
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