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    1. Comr4de

      Races- Using factionwide custom texture packs

      The topic is dead, leave it be. I can\'t believe you kids, thread timelock WHEN
    2. Comr4de

      Request to get unbanned - Closed

      Here comes the endless alt faggotry
    3. Comr4de

      The most important debate about Starmade to date

      I don\'t know why you mongoloids are saying that this would be a waste of time, it\'d take like thirty seconds for him to change the name of the block lol
    4. Comr4de

      Creepypasta came true

      What were the sector coordinates of the planet in question? I\'ve had this happen to me before, I want to see if its the same sector that I had trouble with.
    5. Comr4de

      Bug: Turret Docking Unit won't rotate

      This thread is a year old. I sincerely hope the new forum has an anti-necropost feature
    6. Comr4de

      Warhammer 40K and who plays it.

      Dreads have sucked since sixth edition dropped, only 2HP and AV 12? You have to be joking. Hell, the only SM vehicles worth using now are the stormraven and the vindicator
    7. Comr4de

      Warhammer 40K and who plays it.

      Tau and Guard. Haven\'t played in a while though.
    8. Comr4de

      Weapons Computers and # of AM Connections?

      not much else to see here
    9. Comr4de


      It was misinterperetation on my part. Best of luck with this project.
    10. Comr4de


      \"I have had one tour of duty to Iraq and soon to be my second.\" You mean that country we pulled out of three years ago? Like, the country EVERYONE pulled out of? I mean, maybe you meant AFGHANISTAN but how do you fuck something like that up? At the very least you\'re spending half a year of...
    11. Comr4de

      Quick, Very Biased, Possibly Humorous/Insulting Overview of Factions on Illusive.

      I can tell you right now LMC would be a hell of a lot more active if the admins would spawn our base back in. Just saying >:(
    12. Comr4de

      Texture Pack,

      her is correct and yes a pipe/wire block would be great for all you people asking for a custom block, I\'d like to be able to use my ships on every server i join.
    13. Comr4de

      The SATURN Building Server [Open Membership]

      IGN: Comr4de Current Faction / Shipyard: LMC/ARES Links to any of your work: not my best but its what I\'ve posted Time zone: CST Previous bans?: None that I\'m aware of Why you want to join the server: Only decent build server existing...
    14. Comr4de

      Universal | Starship | Engineering

      Aaaaaaaaaa Such pretty ships i just love those damage effects. What texture pack are you using.
    15. Comr4de

      Secret Project Preview: Kaoru Kimura

      Love it, can\'t wait to see it finished.
    16. Comr4de

      Void Templar: Fear not death, for you have lived with honor.

      if you\'re looking for a good imagehost other than imgur imageshack is my personal second best. looks decent enough for a faction, well done
    17. Comr4de

      Void Templar: Fear not death, for you have lived with honor.

      did you hotlink the images in the OP from 4chan? even better question, why from /b/ of all places?
    18. Comr4de

      How to join Pirates or Trading guild, then get rank permissions. Purely commands!

      This breaks the NPC faction. It doesn\'t delete it but for some reason it mucks with the AI. As a joke once we put a guy in an NPC faction and the pirates ceased to attack anything unless attacked.
    19. Comr4de

      Encourage Modding

      go back to /b/ you moron
    20. Comr4de

      Argos Rho Expeditionary Starfleet [ARES]

      sucks what happened, best thing we can do is make sure it doesn\'t happen again