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    1. katCrusader

      Strange shop spawning mechanics

      Well that\'s... unique. Have you tried putting the shop % at 99?
    2. katCrusader

      Either the developers don't care, or they are going at an extremely slow pace. (rant)

      So, let me go through this point by point... Alpha The engine makes spherical planets nearly impossible Alpha AND Singleplayer Alpha Alpha That\'s being fixed as we speak It\'s a pre-purchase of the game when it goes out of alpha That\'s being fixed as we speak Alpha Alpha You suck at...
    3. katCrusader

      Gravity bug with dev build

      Yay, first bug report! So put two gravity blocks next to each other, one set to traditional "down" and the other set to up. Activate the down block, turn, and activate the up block. Now you're gravity is upwards but your orientation is still as if your gravity was downwards. Also you'll just...
    4. katCrusader

      The SATURN Building Server [Open Membership]

      IGN: Not my favorite gaming news site, I prefer Kotaku tbh Current Faction / Shipyard: Null Links to any of your work: Null Time zone: New York Previous bans?: Null Why you want to join the server: Because I require creative vanilla! A little bit about you: I enjoy Coca-Cola and delicious...
    5. katCrusader


      Yeah, I\'m on windows 8 >.< I found a command line thing that\'s supposed to work but it did nothing. This is rather aggrivating x.x
    6. katCrusader


      So, recently all my folders got marked read-only somehow and now 99% of my games don't work. This is one of the few that does, but the glitch means that I can't update via the launcher. I can download the releases manually but that's a temporary fix at best. Help? D:
    7. katCrusader

      FL Osiris Project

      Of course, now you\'ll have to make a couple Anibus fighters for the hanger lol.
    8. katCrusader

      Starlancer - A StarMade fanship project

      Would you make some of the Freelancer ships as well, such as the Sabre?
    9. katCrusader

      Here are some additional hull shapes I'd like to see.

      Except that the player model walks on those, making nice ramps janky :(
    10. katCrusader

      Power Generator Designs

      Dammit, I just developed that design for a 25x25 core and was about to post it here. It was my first reactor too :( Although I did make a small adjustment, namely an xyz in the center (Since mine is odd-numbered). I\'ll call yours the Tesseract and mine the Tesseract+ :D