Search results

    1. ZektorSK

      How do I make this game fun again ?

      Maybe you are right, but still, after putting a time into it, I fail
    2. ZektorSK

      Faction balls!

      What ? For being honest, that his drawing doesn't look nice ? Ah, I get it, you need more life fibers
    3. ZektorSK

      How do I make this game fun again ?

      You know, I don't play on that server, so I it is harder for me, to actually see you
    4. ZektorSK

      Faction balls!

      You are definetly building better then me lol
    5. ZektorSK

      How do I make this game fun again ?

      Wouldn't be easier to chat with you via Forum PM ?
    6. ZektorSK

      Faction balls!

      Hey man, don't want to be a bad person, I am too really bad at it But your drawing is horrible Take no offense
    7. ZektorSK

      How do I make this game fun again ?

      Well yeah, quests would be nice, but I can't see purpose of it, cuz this is game about creativity, and building
    8. ZektorSK

      How do I make this game fun again ?

      Building, logic, rails I am not good at any of these things
    9. ZektorSK

      How do I make this game fun again ?

      Watched Raiben's school of design, timelapses, other builds... Looks like I am not a lucky m8
    10. ZektorSK

      How do I make this game fun again ?

      I rarely now run starmade. I am just bored in it, I don't have nothing to do.Playing on CZ server and have everything... I don't start building or logic shit, because I always end up with cube, and don't even have mood to continue.. So I wanted to ask: What should I do in starmade ?
    11. ZektorSK

      Do not make this game die

      *Ryuko prepares for capturing this thread Yep, this thread is already death, could someone close it ? It looks like Life Fibers are coming here
    12. ZektorSK

      Negative Ratings on Forum

      Just add it... So someone can "disagree" with a post, or rate it as "wrong" or something like that.
    13. ZektorSK

      Farewell Atlas!

    14. ZektorSK

      Suggestion Require Purchasing The Game To Vote

      Yes it is... I don't see any reason to make fake accounts on this forum, because it is useless
    15. ZektorSK

      Farewell Atlas!

    16. ZektorSK

      Suggestion Require Purchasing The Game To Vote

      Bad Idea It is like P2W way.. pay to play, or "pay to vote" Why would anyone make fake accounts on starmade ?
    17. ZektorSK


      What ? The current state of Starmade is on the top.. You are probably disguised troll who wants to start big flame war
    18. ZektorSK

      Starmade memes

      You have to play on server I am currently active to understand it lol