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    1. WarmasterRaptor

      Unstable fps/Memory leak

      I have this problem too but only recently, right after the patch prior to the one with the pulse weapons in it. Had built many things on a planet I claimed and now I can\'t enjoy my base :(
    2. WarmasterRaptor

      [Mothership] Project Dervish - WIP

      I love the biomechanical feel coming from this ship. I mean, if I ever see one ship like that coming towards me, I would surely get the feeling that it won\'t be human astronauts coming out of this but blood thirsty aliens bent on world consumptions until it\'s dry and leave a dry rock behind...
    3. WarmasterRaptor

      AMC Damage Rework (Fix shield and hull problem)

      I agree, some weapon balancing wouldn\'t be bad at all in Starmade. Not necessarly new ones, as we can work them by combinations to optain/mimic a weapon time.
    4. WarmasterRaptor

      The Catalogue System is Absolutely Broken and is Exploitable

      How about making blueprints meta items like the recipes? The recipe blueprint would list every blocks needed to build the ship, and you\'d need to have all the materials to make it spawn. Would only work next to a shop (for now, I guess with the idea of shipyards that would be possible there...
    5. WarmasterRaptor

      New game mode! Sandbox Mode! Get creative with your ships with little to no effort!

      What\'s the point of this suggestion?? I mean, use the admin commands man, \" /giveid yourplayername itemid quantity\" then build with whatever you want to build with! How about a big ball of lava with shields? XD Everything you need in the link above.
    6. WarmasterRaptor

      Missiles before and after damage update (picture)

      For what I see, blue circle represent a missile, and the green circle is a nuke!!! XD But really, the older version was too far away in terms of power compared to the AMC...
    7. WarmasterRaptor

      Better Core Over heating.

      There\'s still some oxygen in your ships... but yeah, we should more breaking apart, tearing and energy flashes than big fiery badabooms.
    8. WarmasterRaptor

      Better Core Over heating.

      Indeed, so we would need the scales of the explosions to be not so large. Significant, but not instagib.
    9. WarmasterRaptor

      PlexiDoor Wedge and PlexiDoor Controller

      The controller cube could help create some bomber designs with the disintegrator cubes... As for the \"ramp\" it would be interesting for boarding actions to have. And wedge, is an auto-yes for design beauties
    10. WarmasterRaptor

      Better Core Over heating.

      Indeed. What\'s worse is that they both have a point XD So, to decide who\'s right, I\'ll give you both two baseball bat upgraded with a rusted nail!
    11. WarmasterRaptor

      Ship Upload Moderation

      And/Or an automated script that deletes any upload from a user that does not add a description a relatively short amount of time? that will clean up any \"testing\" of the shiny button and wonder what it does...
    12. WarmasterRaptor

      Chat colors bassed off of faction or admin set.

      Pretty much obligatory in a faction crowded server.
    13. WarmasterRaptor

      Better Core Over heating.

      Maybe a 100 is a bit low, but yeah, I\'ll expand the idea. First block = 100 Second Block = +150 for a total of 250 Third +250 total 500 4th +500 total 1000 and etc. I gave those numbers at random, it can be anything else, I just wanted to push the idea of a scaling in the limit...
    14. WarmasterRaptor

      Better Core Over heating.

      What does usually happens to something near an explosion?
    15. WarmasterRaptor

      Better Core Over heating.

      Shipcores could have a limit of blocks attached to them? Bigger ships needs more cores, and if destroyed, they go with a bang, and an explosive one at that. Also, more cores grants you the ability to board your ship from multiple places, which can be useful for huge ships. Would still need...
    16. WarmasterRaptor

      Cruise control

      This could be interesting, but there\'s a plan for the Bobby AI for that I believe. That would give you the time to do some crafting aboard your ship while the auto-pilot drives you to your next destination...
    17. WarmasterRaptor

      Flat planets are absolutely horrible. An idea on how to make them round. changed

      I\'m also for the oreo idea. And as for the gravity mechanic, why wouldn\'t the core of the planet be like ours? Deadly because you\'d be crushed with gravity and heat? Each core would have radius that would hurt/kill players like the stars, but not at the same scale of course. That would...
    18. WarmasterRaptor

      Admin command wish list: REPOST

      Nice set of commands suggestions, I like them.
    19. WarmasterRaptor


      First things first, are you on a multiplayer server or the sandbox mode? If it\'s a multiplayer server, then the pirates ships might be better than the default ones. If you\'re in the sandbox mode and get killed by them, try to flee to nearby shops. It\'s a protected area.