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    1. kiddan

      Read by Council Explosions (with the new plume effect)

      The explosions would have to be large averages of the many surrounding impacts. So I'm assuming the ship would be used as a basis for calculating where to create the effect. The explosion colour could be derived from an average of recent fired weapon colours from ships that hit the exploding...
    2. kiddan

      Devblog 18th July, 2017 - End Goal Document Part 2

      I believe what tn44 was talking about was a camera that was above the piloted ship when zoomed-out. Right now you have to free look downwards a bit to see in front of the ship your piloting from third-person.
    3. kiddan

      No dead bodies in space please.

      No bodies? How else do we watch the cloud of Red Shirts after an incident?! :eek:
    4. kiddan

      StarMade v0.199.646 - Build Mode

      Hmm, wasn't expecting highlighted target entities. This update has left a good first impression, personally. =)
    5. kiddan

      Devblog 11th July 2017 - End Goal Document Part 1

      Let's not mention getting loads of reviews on a game that isn't even in Beta. With core features changing and missing, it's best to not give Starmade heaps of exposure until said features are, for the most part, complete.
    6. kiddan

      Devblog 27th June 2017

      If you ask me, Starmade is in a sticky situation because core features are often changing at this stage in development, yet they need players to play (and therefore test) the game. In the future, when it's worth growing the community to a large scale, it will be harder to draw back some of the...
    7. kiddan

      Welcome to the Starmade Dock!

      Welcome to the Starmade Dock!
    8. kiddan

      More Chat Options

      I like this idea the most. It would be quite useful for quick, mid-flight trading, private meetings, etc. Maybe some sort of scan line hologram instead of a bubble, though? Bubbles seem a bit too meta for Starmade's theme.
    9. kiddan

      Head's up on the next dev blog

      Hmm, maybe this will lessen suggestions for StardewMade Valley gameplay... :-p
    10. kiddan

      Damage Pulse, the forgotten weapon

      What if pulses were similar to common bullet hell projectiles? They'd float though the air as little orbs, slower than cannon fire, but must be avoided and not shot down (or maybe an EMP blast when shot). Different weapon combos would result in spread fire, splitting mid-way, etc. One of the...
    11. kiddan

      Proper throttle control

      So, a sort of target speed set by Left/Right/Up/Down/For/Back/Brake that isn't dampened by ship mass? I'd like this, but its uses seem limited. Why set your speed if you're going to sit in your core while you fly to your destination?
    12. kiddan

      Damage Pulse, the forgotten weapon

      Honestly, there are only 1.5 uses for pulses I could see myself using; The first being to slow attackers that you are fleeing from. And the somewhat second being boring tunnels, something you can't properly do with the currently thin planet plates.
    13. kiddan

      Dagram Industries

      Golly. Remind me not to make promises anymore! :confused: Took a break from uploading to practice better building techniques (my old ships were warm butter), there was also a short hiatus thrown into the mix. My most recent project; A limited alternative to the Gatling gun. This cylinder has...
    14. kiddan

      Welcome to the Starmade Dock! ^-^

      Welcome to the Starmade Dock! ^-^
    15. kiddan

      Devblog 27th June 2017

      So, will build helpers ever use the new mesh system that weapon connections are using? If so, would it improve performance? Looking at build helpers really takes a toll on my framerate ATM. :confused:
    16. kiddan

      The old trailer was much better

      Well, the new trailer showcases rail elev- Oh, wait...
    17. kiddan


      The "Desert Bunny" (Hoppy) has texture files and such. But I don't think you can spawn them in whatsoever.
    18. kiddan

      Devblog 18th June 2017

      I feel like the fill tool needs a trade-off, but limiting it to shipyards doesn't sound right.
    19. kiddan

      Devblog 18th June 2017

      Yes, they can. =)
    20. kiddan

      Devblog 18th June 2017

      I'm having trouble finding the cargo transfer settings in the latest dev build. Got any clues? :-p