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    1. JumpSuit

      I still don't get what the term "skubs" even means... *Shrugs*

      I still don't get what the term "skubs" even means... *Shrugs*
    2. JumpSuit

      ha, same state i live in ;)

      ha, same state i live in ;)
    3. JumpSuit

      Your 1st step in learning to become a true Leader, like me.

      Your 1st step in learning to become a true Leader, like me.
    4. JumpSuit

      Use the GPU

      Or become a GeForce Experience supported game? That'd be awesome.
    5. JumpSuit

      You may/may not be missed...

      You may/may not be missed...
    6. JumpSuit

      I was the one that suggested that idea to Benevolent27 btw ;)

      I was the one that suggested that idea to Benevolent27 btw ;)
    7. JumpSuit

      Use the GPU

      I still have hope for StarMade, need proof of that? I Pre-Ordered it (y)
    8. JumpSuit


    9. JumpSuit

      Didn't even know ya left haha.

      Didn't even know ya left haha.
    10. JumpSuit


    11. JumpSuit

      Use the GPU

      100% Agree with all posts within this thread. 'Nuf Said.
    12. JumpSuit

      Prove your Authenticity!

      Prove your Authenticity!
    13. JumpSuit

      Real Name should be: UNOfficialCoding... HAHA!

      Real Name should be: UNOfficialCoding... HAHA!
    14. JumpSuit

      Turn off your Rail Docker

    15. JumpSuit

      The following is a discussion about SMD moderation, which is allowed per the rules.

      I miss Thingie and Crusade... They knew what they were doing when they sure signed up for the job. Yet Alter was just doing shinanigaians and abusing his power beyond belief! I know this as he has deleted my posts on numerous occasions. especially one in Stike's 'Understanding Stike" (sorry for...
    16. JumpSuit

      Turn off your Rail Docker

      Simply create a logic mechanism that when activated moves into place of said docking ports, thus making docking impossible when it has moved over the port itself. Easy.
    17. JumpSuit


    18. JumpSuit

      Bad GnomeKing...

      Bad GnomeKing...
    19. JumpSuit

      The Dominion of Trident (OLD THREAD)

      Dammit Squiggles...