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    1. MConlisk

      Planned Another Planet Thread

      Hello, As the owner of PlayerOne server. I find myself creating and destroying worlds all the time. In the name of SCIENCE!!!! But I found this the other day and have looked for a reference to it on StarmadeDock and Google finding absolutely nothing. I think this may very likely be the new...
    2. MConlisk

      Read by Council Step on transporterpads

      Really? I will have to check this out. I can think of a bunch of uses for this.
    3. MConlisk

      Read by Council Step on transporterpads

      Hey, I kind of checking to see if this us still happening? I would like to have a setup like on star trek.
    4. MConlisk

      Universe Completely to Scale; Computer Requirements

      This is awesome, thank you for running the numbers. I may set my sector size to this sometime, even if just to watch it crash...
    5. MConlisk

      Logic System Rework

      Ive been hoping they would do something like this for awhile now. What I would like even more is a scripting block.
    6. MConlisk


      Sounds like a neat tool. Are you still working on it?
    7. MConlisk

      Game Balance Suggestions

      I think it would be cool to allow multiplayer ships to have certain players pilot while others can use a computer to adjust shield strength from side to side or pull power from FTL to boost weapon strength. Also pinpoint a location on an enemy ship and when the shields go down transport a...