Search results

    1. Indigo Slimez

      The Infection Initiative [Recruiting]

      We are in desperate need of a builder, because stealing pirate ships takes to long, and I'm crap at building
    2. Indigo Slimez

      The Infection Initiative [Recruiting]

      Thread been updated with our new banner. credit to ZektorSK
    3. Indigo Slimez

      Faction Avatars

      Bloody ell, that's amazing m8
    4. Indigo Slimez

      The Vaygr Empire [RECRUITMENT OPEN]

    5. Indigo Slimez

      Faction Avatars

      If your sure........ -What do you want: a banner that could go at the top of the thread -Aproximatelly how it should look like: something like a virus spreading.... (If you could use the colours green and black, that would be great too) -faction name: The Infection Initiative (link to thread...
    6. Indigo Slimez

      The Infection Initiative [Recruiting]

      Update: I'm currently working on our ships, I'll stick a couple pictures here when I'm done.
    7. Indigo Slimez

      The Aethi Imperium //Now recruiting!\\

      Nice faction you got here. :P
    8. Indigo Slimez

      The Infection Initiative [Recruiting]

      Thanks M8 :D If I had any, i probably would :P
    9. Indigo Slimez

      The Infection Initiative [Recruiting]

      We Are The Infection Initiative. Our Only Goal Is to Expand. By Any Means Necessary. Introduction We are a faction dedicated to expansion, exploring the far reaches of space, and claiming it for the almighty initiative. Although known to quickly sign peace treaties and alliances, we are also...