Search results

    1. clawson200

      Personal Armor

      Tired of not being able to do anything while not in a ship? While a person in a space suit usually cant do very much a person in a power suit can. I know that Starmade is largely focused on a persons ship or sips but it also has allot of potential for you to do things while not in a ship. Some...
    2. clawson200

      Map with coordinates

      I'm not sure if i'm the only one but i find it very easy to get lost in space. And on the navigation menu you cant even tell a pirate space station from a normal one. While there is alot Schema needs to work on with StarMade a nice syfy map couldn't be that hard to implement and would...
    3. clawson200

      Binary and Trinary Star Systems...

      That would be really cool especially with orbits, once you add those you could even add black holes and white dwarfs
    4. clawson200

      On the Subject of Planets

      Getting planets to be useful, not cause lag, and not have a loading screen is a huge problem that will eventually need to be dealt with. My suggestion is to not have the blocks rendered while your in space looking at the planet, and instead have a "show" planet that only loads the chunks once...