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    1. A

      Decorative Camo-Hull blocks

      When I saw this, I thought you were suggesting like a pitch-black hull that is hard to see against the blackness of space. I got to say, I was disappointed when I found that the \"black hull\" parts were more of a dark-grey and quite visible from the outside. But yeah, this chameleon block...
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      Gravity Generators

      I like the idea of the generators, but I haven\'t gotten round to using them yet. What I have seen of them, they aren\'t very customizable, so to say we can\'t really choose WHERE the gravity-field is, which kind of bugs me. Perhaps a suggest could be that the field is active only in an...
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      Initial Reactions

      Hey I\'m from Hollowworld too (Not a mod or anything, just a member of the community)! It\'s good to see some people drifting in, this game looks amazing and I really do hope it does well! I can see great potential in it :D