Search results for query: Meta

    1. Ithirahad

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Smaller ships are naturally more maneuverable, meaning it's inherently going to be harder to land a hit. Do you really want corvette/FAC or fighter battles to take an hour because defenses and 'damage sponge scales' are scaled perfectly to how they work with face-tanky capital ships? Also from...
    2. Dr. Whammy

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      ...ship shouldn't have to be 50% power-generation by physical volume with the rest being (nerfed) shields, (nerfed) thrusters and a giant clump of META weapon, just to have a chance at being somewhat combat effective, even before the (not universally usable) armor mechanic becomes a factor. The...
    3. TheDerpGamerX

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      ...Prove that QF failed to fix most if not all of StarMades insane balance issues. Power2.0 forced people to build specifically to chase it's meta. QF is actually a step up as it encourages more rp interiors. If your reactor is taking up more than 1/3 of your ship you are making your other...
    4. Code North

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade. "build quality" aka interiors should be drowned in all other factors. (-unless the ships are outright crap, then you need way more ships to throw at others XD) There should be the perfect meta ship, and an specialized ship to hard counter it, if balance is done right. think...
    5. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      No. Internal space and armoring your interior is good. I don't care whether my ship is 20 block longer if it can be tankier and as such stronger. And that has been tested and approved many times, even before the current power system came out and many times after. With our configs this is even...
    6. Dr. Whammy

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      ...types (because the rest are next to useless in most situations), and essentially forcing people to build specifically to chase QF's chosen META, while ignoring virtually all other possible play-styles, is neither balance nor representative of the full or even majority of community input...
    7. Dr. Whammy

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Pointless? That's a rather closed minded response. ...Especially since the team seemed unsure of how to handle thrust and were largely oblivious to the fact that their config at the time made smaller ships handle like a drunken brick. It's rather arrogant and presumptuous to think that...
    8. MeRobo

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      ...not part of the group running QF, just putting that here before somebody throws some sort of ridiculous "accusation" my way. On a somewhat less meta-plane (and this is not the for some reason hated meta as in most effective tactic available), one change I really like is the removal of stab...
    9. Dr. Whammy

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Like it or not, there is quite a bit of truth in these statements. Example; on Discord, when I offered constructive feedback AND my own observations for thrust configs, the majority of the initial responses I got were pretty damn ignorant; including some kid talking shit and bragging about why...
    10. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      ...You are free to build however you want. It won't be the most effective thing if you don't follow the guidelines of the systems. Which was always the case. However the meta is, and we believe it, healthier. Also you don't have anymore stabs distance requirement. Less freedom yes, of course.
    11. Tsnonak

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade. successful is its simplicity. Stop trying to turn a great game into an EliteEpeenBuffingMachine, (wrong league for minecraft in space). What about the kids, and simple fun... ... serious wtf ... welcome to eve-made Stay tuned for the onslought of Meta-Distractions... ~ Transmission End ~
    12. Tsnonak

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      ...participated... anyone that wanted to help and gave * contra * (feedback), or did not share your views, was told NO, dealt with in a typical meta-gaming-manor, and disregarded, as you have just done. Add the superiority complex tone that you guys seem intent on using to it. That was a...
    13. I

      Centurian Class Sniper Dreadnaught MK3-3C

      A """"""""""meta pvp"""""""""" "dreadnaught", capable of taking out large targets at range, as well as holding its own at point blank. Also, the very first ship uploaded after the release of QF! (this image makes it look really ugly and phallic) it was good pre QF, but cannons are shit now...
    14. Wazubaba

      Distributed Monetization

      ...unless these are straight textured cubes, they will most likely have a different collision model, which might be somehow usable for some kind of meta somehow, and if they do make them textured cubes you suddenly have to get rid of texture packs because otherwise someone could just make random...
    15. Dr. Whammy

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      At 150 meters, (and I'm guessing 20k-30k mass when finished) you may want to consider the following. 1) Even with the recent mass reduction of armor in QF, the thickness of armor you're considering is going to drop your speed and turn rate by a substantial amount. I found 15k mass intolerably...
    16. DukeofRealms

      More audio work! Universe update dev dump 2 - [11th of October - 20th]

      ...change. October 14th Alrighty. The manager is mostly done. Just have to implement some smaller things. Essentially, audio assets are now meta, but can be created automatically from a directoy. each asset can then be edited directly (the way it is loaded, basic volume) When an event...
    17. DukeofRealms

      Universe update discord dev dump - [1st of October - 10th]

      ...individual action if needed. Code clutter, putting out an event for audio should not take more than a line, and also auto manage itself into a meta state, so that audio can be assigned within a config and a tool. Management: Tools for audio that handle the assignment, type and parameters of...
    18. Keptick

      The ultimate drone R&D thread

      No problem, just don't do it again please :P And yea, the current dev build has issues with the server.cfg.
    19. Tsnonak

      The ultimate drone R&D thread

      ...a little slower and heavier than before! I offer my sincerest apologies for incinuating that you faked the stats! I threw the quote in jff, in meta-gaming times like these; trust no-one, (yes I have trust issues and like to see the facts myself)! I hope a new Dev-release is coming soon, the...
    20. C

      The ultimate drone R&D thread that it's impractical why doesn't it work reeebalance reee" Use your creativity to come up with something that looks good, devietes from meta but still can compete with meta, THAT IS CARRIERS THAT ARE AS LARGE AS META SHIPS. If you seriously want to stick by your iny-tiny carrier and...