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    1. H

      Offline Ship Editor

      Sadly I can never get this program to make a Jomods folder or install the Jomods jar it needs properly. So really I can\'t do anything with this program- TRied removing all Starmade and the userfile folder location thingy, and redoing it, tried other folder instaltations, and still no Jomod...
    2. H

      Need help with the Ship Core

      Allow core rotation!
    3. H

      Moveable Ship Core

      What about for those of us that the core bugged on? THe core bugged and upon server restart my ship was facing the wrong way- the core was backwards! Well, that ship was a waste... Maybe make it so only admin\'s can move cores with a command? Then you can\'t just move cores all the time and...
    4. H

      A way to move the ship core without destroying and rebuilding the entire ship..

      I like this idea, or just being able to rotate the damn core. Reason? I made a huge ship and saved it. When we returned to the server, the core bugged and it was facing the wrong way making the back of the ship the front, and visaversa. Now the ship is broken / useless. =/
    5. H

      Logged off and back on, ship direction reversed

      Same issue, my massive juggernaut of a ship is now useless as it faces backwards and I can\'t fix it. =/
    6. H

      Core orientation- allow rotation of the core

      Both a bug and a suggestion: Coming back to my game, my massive ship now faces the wrong way as the core for some reason saved facing Opposite of how the ship was built, making back front and the front the back. No way I can rebuild this massive thing to fix it, so my ship is kinda ruint =/...
    7. H

      Saving error and Core orientation rotation

      Both a bug and a suggestion: Coming back to my game, my massive ship now faces the wrong way as the core for some reason saved facing Opposite of how the ship was built, making back front and the front the back. No way I can rebuild this massive thing to fix it, so my ship is kinda ruint =/...
    8. H

      Blueprint Costs

      I have seen some blueprints that cost $0, no matter what server they are uploaded on. As admin on my server, I wanted to make our tiny transports costs nothing (cost about 5k right now) and am not sure how to do that. In game there seems to be no cost editing, and out of game I can't find...