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    1. L

      Spherical Planets Work Around

      At first, I want to say that my programming skills are not to good, but I now it it works basically, and second that I do not want to offend anybody The idea is different to what is already mentioned here, but I thought it would not be correct to start a new topic if there is already a vivid...
    2. L

      Ideas for Improving AI, Turrets, and Docking

      It would be extremly cool if you could build independent turrets on your ship, controlled by a kind of AI block. Those turrets can by singely assigned to a AI block, which can be controlled by a main AI block (just as mentioned above). By selecting the main AI block, maybe over a hotkey, a GUI...
    3. L


      The idea is very interesting, I do like the idea a lot. But I guess there are two different ways of realizing the colony idea, espacially about the workers. Are the workers brought to the planet by ship, or are they natives? A native population would be cool, for example a different species of...