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      Bugs on new recipe factory system

      Similar problem, recipe requires a block that you can\'t procure anymore ex, recipe for x5 grey hull requires Schemadyne Advance (238)
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      Help me mod

      Hi, I know there is a modding meniu when you start the game, that's cool if you want to make custom building blocks and simple stuff, but I wondered if I wanted to make a custom shield block, with diffrent values and formulas, can i do that? If anyone could point me to the files or the programs...
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      game MATH

      Thanks alot, I was afraid the post would be moved to help :)
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      my opinion A

      the game is great and I'm sure schema is working hard on the new UI, please don't forget to fix the power distribution arrows for the weapons, clicking 100 times gets old. My favourite part of the game is the shield effects, I hope against hope that you would make a shield start-up animation...
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      game MATH

      Hi, I just found the game and as I always do, I began deconstructing the game in math, it brings me much joy, but I am verry confused, first question: 1. I assumed the game world is structured in cubical "sectors", but then how is it possible for planets to orbit stars, do they change the...
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      Registration Code?

      cool, I was wondering about that as well