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    1. Q

      Turrets aiming but not shooting

      Can the problem comes from the fact that i try to fire at pirate\'s turrets ? I\'ve found some topics saying that turrets don\'t fire at other turrets. I\'ve already tried the selected target thing, same problem. About the distance, i tried to be as closer as possible, doesn\"t work. The first...
    2. Q

      Turrets aiming but not shooting

      Everything works fine when i use it. I can fire. But for the power it\'s weird. When i\'m undocked, 100%. When i\'m docked, 50% max (but i can still fire. I\'ve followed this:
    3. Q

      Turrets aiming but not shooting

      Hi everyone ! I've build a turret, with faction module, ai module etc. The turret aim at the ennemy, but doesnt shoot at all. I dont understand what i'm doing wrong. I tried everyting i found, but nothing. What am i supposed to do ?