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    1. A

      Recon Hull blocks

      I mostly would love a block like I suggested so stealth ships can have aesthetically pleasing hulls; using colors, and shapes like wedges/corners/hepta etc. Without ruining the ability to stealth. For the stealth of the blocks and ability to make great looking stealth ships, you only get the...
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      Recon Hull blocks

      Have them in line with hull and armor blocks visually, a wide range of colors. Again, have the same price of advanced armor, and hard to make, with the subpar raw stats of hull armor.
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      Recon Hull blocks

      The largest mass cloaking/radar jamming ship I've found was 1300 mass. Even with this recon armor could stack on a stealth ship, it could still only support up to that 1300 mass of systems. So with what, 1000-1300ish mass total for weapons, shields, thrusters, and other systems. Not to mention...
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      Pirate ships adjustable spawn chance

      Didn't know this, thanks
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      Recon Hull blocks

      Recon Hull Block: Hitpoints 75 Armor 0.0% Armor HP 50 Structure HP 5 Mass 0.05 Same stats as regular Hull, however Recon Hull's blocks/mass does not factor in into Radar Jamming and Cloaking allowing better recon and stealth vessel designs. Costs as much as advanced armor.
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      Pirate ships adjustable spawn chance

      I think I'd be great if pirate ships spawned based on say mass. Say the server admin has 5 different custom pirate ships that he marks as pirate usable, a 500 mass fighter, a 2,500 mass cruiser, a 10,000 mass battleship, 25,000 mass dreadnought, and 80,000 capital ship. They would spawn in...
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      Opinions On Starmades Combat

      I would really enjoy the ability to shift to firing my docked turrets while in my ship, like I can shift between my camera views. That way if I'm in my Titan or a battleship that turns too slowly I can still have fun when enemy ships aren't in my frontal arc.
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      Tips for cloaking ships

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      My Titan's Main Weapons, thought/suggestions?

      I feel like I should have noticed the 10%-25% combat regen... That's somewhat embarrassing, I've been playing on and off for like 10 months now, maybe longer? Though admittedly usually only on a server my brother will host for just me and him, or single player for creative mode to build and test.
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      My Titan's Main Weapons, thought/suggestions?

      All good points regarding range and speed. I will likely add a third on board weapon system, lock-on. I do have my own offensive lock-on turrets to be somewhat fair about the issue. I also never considered one module decoy groups to mask 1-2 real missiles. Thank you for the advice. Im curious...
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      My Titan's Main Weapons, thought/suggestions?

      Sorry, yes I do mean dmg per shot lol
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      My Titan's Main Weapons, thought/suggestions?

      Yes, if my defensive Ion computer(mitigating 60% of dmg to shields) is active I'd 'only' take 54.4 million dmg of the 136.1 million dmg to my shields. I would have about 10 million shields left.
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      Tips for cloaking ships

      This power reactor frame/layout can handle a maximum of 1001.4 mass while using cloaking and radar jamming. The layout is 296.2 mass generating 1.5 million power regen. Easy to make a version at 2 million power regen.
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      Tips for cloaking ships

      I have a layout for my power reactors that give 2 million regen for a total 373-450 mass depending on how compact the design. I build stealth fighters up to 1,300 mass that can radar jam+cloak+50% overdrive to trust, move and still fire weapons. When I get home I'll take some pics and upload...
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      My Titan's Main Weapons, thought/suggestions?

      I'll test Piercing as a replacement against a few Titans. Speaking of shields, auxiliary, and power. I currently have 65 million shields, 2.3 million shield regen per sec, 60% Ion effect dmg reduction to shields, 1.8 billion power, 20,000 power regen, and my auxiliary can replenish about 1.2...
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      My Titan's Main Weapons, thought/suggestions?

      I tried Explosive, I have 100 groups. Each group 3x3x90(3x3x30 missile + 3x3x30 cannon + 3x3x30 explosive long). But then I replaced the explosive tertiary with overdrive tertiary, I found I stripped away Titan hulls and systems way faster with overdrive than with explosives. I should switch it...
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      My Titan's Main Weapons, thought/suggestions?

      My current Titan I got the mostly empty hull from the blueprint on this site, I've been working on interior, systems, and weapons. My ship is a massive 680k mass Titan. I want to know what other players think of my weapons, if they have suggestions or better ideas. Shield Buster: Beam-Beam...