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    1. ecoboff1

      Server crashes after start

      The file FACTIONS.fac is the corrupted/broken file, without it the server runs, however our ships don\'t show up??? i have no idea why, or how to recover the ships. Schema what makes up a ship in the game? what am i missing if the entity files are there, the catalogue file is ther and the...
    2. ecoboff1

      Server crashes after start

      Basically my folder \'server-database\' is corrupted, or something, as this is preventing the server from running. Is there anyway of recovering specific entities from this folder, or restoring the folder so it can work again?
    3. ecoboff1

      Server crashes after start

      After the first update today, the server was working, i then closed the server and restarted it later before updating, and now it automatically shuts down. According to the logs: [21-Jul-2013 17:35:45] STDERR: [ERR] java.lang.NullPointerException [21-Jul-2013 17:35:45] STDERR: [ERR] at...
    4. ecoboff1

      StarMade 0.0938: Meta Items & new factories

      After the first update today, the server was working, i then closed the server and restarted it later before updating, and now it automatically shuts down. According to the logs: [21-Jul-2013 17:35:45] STDERR: [ERR] java.lang.NullPointerException [21-Jul-2013 17:35:45] STDERR: [ERR] at...
    5. ecoboff1

      New computer controled plexlights

      Hi there Not sure if this has already been mentioned before, but i think it would be fantastic if lights were controled by a computer. Scenario: your flagship has just entered a sector and you notice another factions vessel. Your not sure if they are hostile so you set the ship to 'yellow'...