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    1. vovik ukr

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

    2. vovik ukr

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

      just find the nearrest planet claim is as ur faction home and they cant do damage to it once its set to ur faction home. I can give the player a warning for pushing you while you were building, but i can\'t ban him for something that\'s not that serious.
    3. vovik ukr

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

      it\'s not you for some reason schemma feels the need to updated the batch file each new update replacing my old one which was running on a loop incase the server ever crashes.
    4. vovik ukr

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

      you sure do :)
    5. vovik ukr

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

      updated :D
    6. vovik ukr

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

      sweet :D have fun
    7. vovik ukr

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

      just go to register on the forums and apply in the starmade section also if you have skype or teamspeak it would be good if i could speak to you.
    8. vovik ukr

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

      welcome back :D
    9. vovik ukr

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

      Have fun buddy :D
    10. vovik ukr

      StarMade Top List

      when you register a it gives u an image code u have to put that on ur thread or website or w.e. the more people view ur thread or website the higher ur going to get ranked... most of the members just dont even use it.
    11. vovik ukr

      1,000,000 Million Starter!

      Yh thats the java limit it for int but u can always covert it to string whenever it hits 1bil
    12. vovik ukr

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

      thats site seems to be not working :p
    13. vovik ukr

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

      don\'t worry each time it crashes it automaticly restarts.
    14. vovik ukr

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

      i disabled pirates so have fun :D
    15. vovik ukr

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

      that would be nice, but not every is the best builder if you know what i mean.
    16. vovik ukr

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

      somebody probably just pushes them out of spawn and kills it
    17. vovik ukr

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

      no it\'s not just you the latest update fixed lag, but it crashes more often now so i\'m just going to run thru cmd and have it put on a loop so if it does crash it starts right back up.
    18. vovik ukr

      1,000,000 Million Starter!

      it\'s better than the regular 25,000 starter...
    19. vovik ukr

      StarMade Top List

      isn\'t this section made for advertising?
    20. vovik ukr

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

      yey lag fix update :D