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      Copperhead Mk.IV 2016-03-06

      The Mk.III with lasers. Nuff said. The Mk.IV add pinpoint precision to the arsenal of the AIN pilots. The combination of 3 weapons systems multipled by 4 due to the Copperheads squad patterns leads to devestatingly effective small strike craft. The Mk.IV is crewed by veteran squads who have...
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      Copperhead SC Mk.III 2016-03-06

      The Mk.III is the first design of the "Copperhead" series to enter combat. The first tests proved that while quite weak in armor it proved a good squad ship, and they rolled out in groups of 4. These squads were quite effective taking out small targets but easily get overwhelmed if the opponent...
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      Gecko-class Dropship 2016-03-06

      The "Gecko" is a prototype dropship for the Altonavin Imperial Navy. The very minimal design features testifies to the ideals of the AIN: Do it yourself. Basically the Gecko is meant for the pilot to customize at will and add extensions or decorations. The end result is however to carry troops...