Search results for query: intangible rails

    1. SkylordLuke

      Recognized by Council Invisible, Intangible Rail Dockers

      there we go also,I should mention that invisible/intangible rail rotators addition to invisible rails would be cool,since you cant rotate your fighters and drones inside carriers with current system
    2. Sven_The_Slayer

      Recognized by Council Invisible, Intangible Rail Dockers

      First off I would like to point out that just because the block is intangible doesn't mean it cannot be destroyed. If that is your concern you have no worries, it was discussed and there will likely never be any block that cannot be destroyed. Sure it may be hard to snipe off in PVP combat but...
    3. Crashmaster

      Recognized by Council Invisible, Intangible Rail Dockers

      Your 9x9 example 'ships' could also dock anywhere if we make grey armor invisible and intangible, but that would be stupid.
    4. Nauvran

      Recognized by Council Invisible, Intangible Rail Dockers

      Two completely different scenarios. And of course it doesnt work with a fighter inside a hangar, it doesnt have room to adapt to the dock as it would with two ships or a ship and a station with USD. You need to adapt your hangar design to fit all your fighters or make your fighters able to dock...
    5. Edymnion

      Recognized by Council Invisible, Intangible Rail Dockers

      Same concept. USDs work because they have the dockers and the rails in the same places so that any two USDs will fit together. They are standardized. If you build something that is USD compatible, then you don't have to worry what the other guy built, you know where the important blocks are...
    6. Lecic

      Recognized by Council Invisible, Intangible Rail Dockers

      No, you don't. Offset the dockers. Hell, have dockers for both wingy ships like that and for more regular shaped ships. There's nothing stopping you from having redundant docks for varying ship shapes. Can you provide an example of how one would abuse the invisibility and intangibility of a...
    7. FlyingDebris

      Recognized by Council Invisible, Intangible Rail Dockers

      Please enlighten me as to why I'd need a bay twice as big as the ship to dock it if they rail dockers are on the wings.
    8. Edymnion

      Recognized by Council Invisible, Intangible Rail Dockers

      Again, you'll need a bay that is twice as big as the ship for that. And guess what, sports fans? We already have invisible, intangible blocks. Pickup and launch rails. There is no abuse to this that you can't already do with those.
    9. Edymnion

      Recognized by Council Invisible, Intangible Rail Dockers

      1) Its the suggestion forum. How about you let people make suggestions for things they want to see to make the game better? Hmmm? Because apparently "Custom build entire sections of your station to accommodate every single ship you ever see" is a perfectly reasonable thing to do? Why did we...
    10. Nauvran

      Recognized by Council Invisible, Intangible Rail Dockers

      Old docking good? my ass it was good. The old docking system was one of the most horrible things in the game. "oh you wanted to dock that big nice ship of yours? well to fucking bad, here have an error instead that says the dockign area isnt big enough" "oh you want to dock there, well fuck you...
    11. Valck

      Recognized by Council Invisible, Intangible Rail Dockers

      As much as I prefer rails over the old docking system, allowing arbitrarily shaped ships to dock inside a given volume, no questions asked, was one aspect of it that I sorely miss. I'd prefer having a new block with those properties, much in the same way you have a pick-up point and a regular...
    12. Edymnion

      Recognized by Council Invisible, Intangible Rail Dockers

      Ever since we switched to rails and dockers, actually docking a ship has become far more painful than it really needs to be. In ye olden times, the docking beam came from the core so you could always see it, and docking would simply position the core over the docker. If the ship had extra bits...
    13. Crimson-Artist

      Read by Schine Pick up Rails outputting logic through C+V connections

      Now that pickup rails have been added it opens up a world of possibilities with what we can do with rails. fixing alot of the logistical headaches of rails colliding with its docked entity. However we now have another problem. These rails still make use of the adjacent logic signal outputs that...
    14. nightrune

      Read by Schine Will-O-Wisp Lights?

      Please please this! They can still use the prerendered lights as well!
    15. Edymnion

      Read by Schine Will-O-Wisp Lights?

      Now that fleet control and the new docking blocks are out, I'd like to see a new type of light block. An intangible ball of light that still responds to logic like any other light. Basically, we have invisible rails and pickup areas now, and I'd like to be able to make runway lights. If I've...
    16. serge1944

      Sorry to ask how does the pickup area rail and the other 2 new blocks work?

      Kupu has already putted the texture for the blocks in build mode
    17. Edymnion

      Sorry to ask how does the pickup area rail and the other 2 new blocks work?

      Well, it hasn't come out yet so we don't really know, but from what they've said the pickup rails will be invisible, intangible blocks (like area sensors) and if you pass through them or get near them with a docker, you'll snap on much like magnetic docking does now.