Search results for query: intangible rails

    1. winggar

      The One-Block Solution to NPC Pathing

      The One-Block Solution to NPC Pathing So I’m not going to make a big intro, because I’m lazy and want to actually go play video games, so here it is. The Node. The node is an intangible block that (much like the pick-up rails) can only be seen in build mode. A node can be connected (C ->...
    2. Dr. Whammy

      armor placement

      Also remember that shootout/pickup rails are intangible. They won't obstruct the movement of other entities.
    3. Malacodor

      Aux Power & Gigantism

      I made a similar suggestion, just keep an undocked entity in the host ships's frame of reference with zero relative movement until the game has figured out in which directions that entity could move. Then limit movement to these directions. An internally docked entity without room to move...
    4. Dr. Whammy

      These are not the planets you are looking for (makes hand motion)

      I think that with the game's current limitations, there's really no way to give a more realistic size for planets when people are building 500 meter long ships. Giantism, with regard to ship size, kills a lot of the need/use for planets and feeds the whole "planets are just big asteroids"...
    5. P

      Suggested noncolidable invisible equivalents for rest of rail blocks

      Now i feel like: "Me dont know how to computer"
    6. DukeofRealms

      Suggested noncolidable invisible equivalents for rest of rail blocks Search smarter :)
    7. DrTarDIS

      Space Elevators

      AS first reply said: use a docked entity and gravity. Bonus: whateve4r shape you build at the BOTTOM of the docked entity acts as a total shield vs planet gravity up to the top of said entity. So if you make a huge 50*50 plate around the bottom, that entire plate "blocks" the gravity in a 50*50...
    8. DrTarDIS

      Read by Council Door Overhaul

      Currently, there are two very different types of doors. -"I goes invisible" "door" blocks -"I am a collision nightmare" docked-entity ok, there's also gaping unshuttered openings hidden behind area triggers, but that's a WHOLE OTHER level of building. We're ignoring that. On to the idea...
    9. AJ1AJ1

      Recognized by Council New Rails & Changes

      of course I know you can use upside down intangible blocks, I use them all the time. The issue then is there has to be at least one block on the ground/an odd movement from higher going lower (Ok this is pretty easy too) if the rail docker is facing outwards. Which can look weird depending on...
    10. K

      Recognized by Council New Rails & Changes

      Are you aware that you can place the intangible blocks above the runway, facing down, and it will function perfectly? No need to cut holes in the deck or mar it with visible rails. Certainly only one can pass the center at a time, but we are still talking about only core sized entities, which...
    11. AJ1AJ1

      Recognized by Council New Rails & Changes

      For the rotation that could work but I think it would be easier for schema to make it (copy-paste code from replacement of all other rails) as two separate blocks and it would also help people get less confused because if it was different for just the intangible rotator block and for all other...
    12. AJ1AJ1

      Recognized by Council New Rails & Changes

      The intangible rail docker I get your point about that intangible rail dockers thread. what I'm trying to explain is because it is intangible it would allow things like the cross rail to pass at the same time. I'll show a few uses later. (that thread is wanting it for the ease of docking and...
    13. K

      Recognized by Council New Rails & Changes

      You were talking about 'docking' ships at a distance from the mother ship. Not spiny-things. (at least that's what it sounded like to me) Docking multiple entities to the same spot sounds like a collision nightmare. Two, maybe. More, no. Dynamically allowing entities to become intangible to...
    14. Sven_The_Slayer

      Recognized by Council New Rails & Changes

      The intangible clockwise rotator The intangible anticlockwise rotator I know I've seen this suggested before but a search comes up empty, it's a good idea though. The visible shoot out rail I'm sure you know you can simply use the side or top of a rail-docker with shootout rails so there is...
    15. AJ1AJ1

      Recognized by Council New Rails & Changes

      It is basically the same system with the additional directional movement so that damage pulse (close range) can move a little and small turrets could move across walls Edit: i changed the idea slightly now. Not quite sure what you were talking about at the top of your post but basically...
    16. AJ1AJ1

      Recognized by Council New Rails & Changes

      There are quite a few rail types missing from the game that should be added so that the best of the rail builders (and the worst) can experiment and create creations that are not possible currently. The intangible clockwise rotator The intangible anticlockwise rotator The visible shoot out...
    17. Lecic

      Just some ideas that I've been playing with.

      No. Wormhole facility might be interesting. I would assume it's a very small wormhole, considering how they're normally the size of an entire sector. Weapons facility, no. At least, not for ships. Astronaut weapons I would be OK with, but ship weapons should not have rare uberpowerful...
    18. TheSuperintendnt

      Just some ideas that I've been playing with.

      Quick environment ideas Planet plates could be based on size(bigger planet = more plates), think Pentagonal Hexecontahedrons or Truncated Icosahedron A new class of generated structure, "ancient" these are rare and powerful artifacts that contain materials, systems and objects that can't be...
    19. cyberus111

      Recognized Allow C + V linkage to logic from pickup rail & shootout rail.

      Thinking about it ... if there is some reason that C + V won't work for pickup/shootout rails, adding an intangible logic button and activaton module that we could place next to a pickup or shootout rail would be a nice alternative.
    20. Sven_The_Slayer

      Recognized by Council Invisible, Intangible Rail Dockers

      This was exactly the point I was making to anybody who things this particular suggestion could be abused in PVP because the hidden docker would be hard to snipe in combat. This however doesn't solve the problem this intangible docker is trying to solve. It's point is all you have to do is make...