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    1. ZeePal

      Planet Shape

      this is not easy to program nor worth the effort to make \"blocky round\" (copyright that!). Simply code it for Schema and give him the code under the public domain license and he can then clam it as his own to add to the game :D The only change to the planets I would like to see which is...
    2. ZeePal

      Saving ships

      I have not yet played on public servers yet (only my private 1 so far) but when you log off your ship is left floating in space, so hide it :D (sector 8,8,8 is a great spot to hide it in ;) ) To prevent your ship from being mined/stolen is to put a faction block on it. (They can still attack...
    3. ZeePal

      Planet improvements

      I would love to see the planets double sided :D 1 to prevent easy mining but more importantly it would feel more like a planet as its not 1 surface its 2! (being flat doesnt matter but I think double sided would be great with gravity pulling into the centre :D