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    1. Tathar

      The Advanced Combat Proposal - TID

      I really hope that schema incorporates more game mechanics into the BlockConfig.xml file soon so we can play around with our combat improvement ideas and polish them according to our playtests. Right now, I\'m punching away at a graphing calculator to come up with weapon stat curves that I\'m...
    2. Tathar

      Fusion Reactor - For powering large Capital/Battle/Titan Ships

      To get the most out of your power units, just arrange them in a 1x1 stick in each direction. The group\'s power recharge rate comes from its X, Y, and Z values multiplied together, so a hollow cube (or a similarly \"empty\" group shape) will get you better results than a filled in cube.
    3. Tathar

      The Advanced Combat Proposal - TID

      In case anyone is interested, here\'s a discussion on how to create a formula that results in diminishing returns from a minimum value to a maximum value: An example of the above that I plan to use as part of my...
    4. Tathar

      The Advanced Combat Proposal - TID

      I looked into making a mod like this that was based on a similar premise, but I kept running into a bunch of hard-coded block properties. If Schema were to make things like weapon stats and shield stats part of the block config file, I\'d like to make a mod that increases weapon variety...