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    1. Isfirs

      New Module Type and nerfs

      Madman198237 it is meant to grant a buff to the fleet ships (or allied ships in system/ certain distance?) to increase efficiency in whatever way, like increases damage output, reduce damage taken, decrease power consumption, decrease cooldown cycle. the effects possible can vary. That systems...
    2. Isfirs

      New Module Type and nerfs

      I came up putting some ideas together to bring more player objects to the game. - First, nerf the modifiers for mining in unowned and owned systems. - Bring "aura" modules to the game. They will be toggled with cooldown timer when deactivated - Bring buffs to: - - increase damage systems - -...
    3. Isfirs

      Some Chatfeatures?

      I don't know if it's already asked, i don't want to read all posts now to find out. I want to know if the chat can be made with tabs, so there is a general, serverwide tab and and tab for the faction, and maybe a sector tab for the current sector and its 1x1x1 surrounding sectors. Is it an...