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    1. Z

      Bobby AI shouldn't deactivate so easily

      New feature was added that allows player to switch view from main ship to its turrets. Problem with that is, that it disables the Bobby AI when you enter it that way. I have over 200 meter long space station with 8 turrets... Going spacewalking to activate them all is very inconvenient. So just...
    2. Z

      Plexdoors open/close bug with docking beam

      There is currently no consistency on how plexdoors work, when fired at with docking beam. Expected behaviour: All affected door *groups* in docking beams path would toggle their open-state. Each group would have a delay for say 2 seconds in which it can't be toggled again. What actually...
    3. Z

      Galactica outpost station

      Galactica (not related with any series such as Battlestar Galactica) is medium size flying combat station. Its purpose is to act as base of operations when travelling somewhere far from home. Technicals: 9 docking stations. Mass 1984 (19k blocks) Length 94m, height 56m, width 94m Power...
    4. Z

      Gravity field nullifier

      There could be new kind of block, which would use ships power to counter gravity, caused by planets. Higher ship mass would use more power, and when in full effect, you could float on top of surface without motion. Let some blocks only be obtainable through crafting, i guess this can be 1 of...
    5. Z

      ESC would cancel typing

      I would suggest that ESC key would close the typing input box, if it's active. Only second press of ESC would then open the menu. It comes natural to me that when i'm typing something, i want quick way to cancel it. Hitting Enter with incomplete text is very inconvenient. There is currently...
    6. Z

      Overlapped tooltips

      Sometimes when browsing inventory and using plex storage boxes, i get bug where some tooltip will be stuck, always following the cursor. It sticks permanently so, that i can't properly see tooltips from any other item anymore. Only way to remove the tooltip, is to exit game and restart. This is...
    7. Z

      Help me understand crafting

      There are 5 factory blocks: Particle press Schemadyne advanced Mineral separator Factory input FactoryInputEnhancer How do i use them? Wiki page doesn't tell much, and the picture there not much either. Picture draws blue lines as if there was device called Schemadyne 2000 - 30000 in...
    8. Z

      Big CPU use on dedicated server

      My dedicated server maxes out 1 CPU core when i start it, even when no players have joined yet. Is this normal? Something i could say is that there is "ghost" ships next to our base shop. It looks like ship and its turrets have welded together permanently, and everything can fly through them...
    9. Z

      Request: post pictures of your ships when uploading

      The current ship browsing feature is getting spammed with useless ships, which don't show any screenshots. It might be ok'ish, if buying ships from blueprints was free, and you were able to instantly delete ships you don't like, but you can't. No screenshot, no download. And it would be great...
    10. Z

      How do i enable no-friendly-fire?

      I was testing faction system with my friend yesterday, and we started firing lasers at eachother, taking shield damage. Is there a way that same faction ships wouldn't hurt eachother?
    11. Z

      Breaking chests with items in it

      Currently it is quite easy to do a silly mistake, especially if you have played Minecraft before. Normally in these games you open chest by right-clicking them, which in this game you do with R key. Difference here is that right-click here breaks the chest, and all the items leave floating in...