StarMade v0.200.332 - Reactor System Enhancement and Fixes


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    From what I can see you can reconfigure your reactor on the fly, thus switch to full jump chambers, then config it for combat before the final jump.
    Due to the extra weight, you may not want to do that on a combat ship.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Maybe someone will actually bother to build said gate network then.
    I used to build gate networks all the time. Still do in single player.

    I don't bother in multiplayer anymore because there is *ALWAYS* some jackass that sees a gate station and just HAS to blow it up. Honestly it wasn't worth the effort and cost of rebuilding a station every 3 days because someone with a name that looked like a cat walked on their keyboard blew it up and never logged on again.
    tend to get mighty mad whenever they inadvertently end up stranded in the middle of nowhere with no means to reach home turf swiftly, short of committing sudoku.
    Heh, I used to use this as a booby trap.

    The idiots that wouldn't blow up the far end of the gate would come through to my station and shoot at it, realize I had a LOT of guns on my station, and would then try to run through the biggest, nearest gate they could find.

    Which lead to a maximum range "middle of nowhere" gate that was 3x3 with a single block size entrance in the gate. A one way booby trap gate to strand griefers as far out in space as I could send them.

    It worked... surprisingly well. Every so often I'd take a ship out to the far end to collect free mats.
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    Jun 20, 2013
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    From what I can see you can reconfigure your reactor on the fly, thus switch to full jump chambers, then config it for combat before the final jump.
    I know but for combat its probably better to not have a second reactor system that is increasing your ships mass and is not uses during the fight
    Dec 10, 2017
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    I know but for combat its probably better to not have a second reactor system that is increasing your ships mass and is not uses during the fight
    Key phrase: "backup reactor"
    There is a useful chamber function that automatically switches reactors when the main one goes down. Using a maxed out FTL reactor as a backup could allow for a pretty hasty retreat in a sticky situation, or on the other hand allow for a more drawn out fight.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    I used to build gate networks all the time. Still do in single player.

    I don't bother in multiplayer anymore because there is *ALWAYS* some jackass that sees a gate station and just HAS to blow it up. Honestly it wasn't worth the effort and cost of rebuilding a station every 3 days because someone with a name that looked like a cat walked on their keyboard blew it up and never logged on again.
    Free target gates do not have connection lines.
    Feb 27, 2014
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    Due to the extra weight, you may not want to do that on a combat ship.
    You missed my point.
    You re-configure your one reactor mid-flight.
    You can change it a chamber at a time.
    You don't need multiple reactors if you can just reconfig your current reactor on the fly
    I know but for combat its probably better to not have a second reactor system that is increasing your ships mass and is not uses during the fight
    Sorry if I wasn't clear, you change your current reactor, not have a secondary one. Had some tests done and it worked quite well
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    Aug 3, 2016
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    Having extra mass of a "backup" reactor greatly outweighs the neurons lost in reconfiguring it by hand every time you need to travel fore more than two sectors.

    Now, some sort of presets you can save would be great. You'd still have to add few conduits here and there, but that shouldn't affect the preset.
    It'd be a total clusterfuck in the current reactor UI though, so you better use a "prototyping reactor" to make those presets.

    Also, would be nice to add an FTL chamber that changes how JD works — from "short range but point anywhere" to "huge range but targets only warp beacons".
    Add a deployable beacon with promised minelayer from the weapon update and we have something resembling cyno.

    there is *ALWAYS* some jackass that sees a gate station and just HAS to blow it up
    You should probably add turrets to the gates. And if they already had them, well, it needs more dakka then. Can never have enough dakka.
    Heh, I used to use this as a booby trap.
    That is both cruel and profitable. I love it.
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    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    Also, would be nice to add an FTL chamber that changes how JD works — from "short range but point anywhere" to "huge range but targets only warp beacons".
    Add a deployable beacon with promised minelayer from the weapon update and we have something resembling cyno.
    This deserves its own suggestion thread.
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    Sep 19, 2015
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    i love free target gates they work great and are cheap, just dont forget to put some into your pocket for the way back :)