Recent content by Waterphoenix

    1. Waterphoenix

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      I think this concept is brilliant and has been needed for a long time. Don't worry about making everyone redesign their ships by the way, it is an unfinished game and change is to be expected. Just a few suggestions that hopefully you agree would be cool: -If a large reactor gets severely...
    2. Waterphoenix

      Read by Schine More Sun Ideas

      But people could just stick overheating fusion cores on torpedos and fire them at the enemy...
    3. Waterphoenix

      Read by Schine More Sun Ideas

      Kind of agree with para 2, maybe make it like the rads detector on fallout but for heat. Kind of agree with para 3, but i think any block touching a star's surface should melt instantly. Do you know how hot those things can get!? Paras 4 - 10 disagree Paras 11 and 12 would be cool, but i suspect...
    4. Waterphoenix

      Read by Council Upcoming heat block and sun damage

      Sounds good, but the sun damage at the moment is definately too low. I can make a ship and just fly THROUGH a star. THROUGH A STAR. That's insane, hopefully they make it so that when blocks touch a star they vaporise instantly?
    5. Waterphoenix

      In Developement Sounds

    6. Waterphoenix

      Criss' Thread

      Would have thought that the TG would be kind of well armoured and tanky because they have the money (they are a business after all) and the pirates would be more agile hit-and-run, with lower shields and defense but higher offense.
    7. Waterphoenix

      In Developement Sounds

      You bring the bass. By which i mean, the flagship of course.
    8. Waterphoenix

      1v1 me m9 i'll DDoS ur nan's washing machine.

      1v1 me m9 i'll DDoS ur nan's washing machine.
    9. Waterphoenix

      Rejected Add Brown Lights

    10. Waterphoenix

      Rejected Add Brown Lights

      a-are you drunk?
    11. Waterphoenix

      Read by Council Force Fields

      No, I'd say that shields are an extention of armour, while force fields are an extention of the base's dimensions. Force fields have unlimited hitpoints and will not wear down like shields, but rely on a single emitter to work - wheras shields rely on shield emitters all over the ship, like hull.
    12. Waterphoenix

      In Developement Sounds

      Honestly, i'm not overly bothered about the music, i just want the sounds :p Also, i'm doing a music course so no need to explain the history of Bethoven's 3rd movement of Symphony in Bb minor xD
    13. Waterphoenix

      Read by Council Force Fields

      Are you talking about shields, or force fields? Because they are completely unrelated.
    14. Waterphoenix

      In Developement Sounds

      Sweet, i can't wait. Do you have any idea at all of when it will be ready or is it still pretty far off (ie more than a few months?)
    15. Waterphoenix

      In Developement Sounds

      When are new sounds coming out? For a while I've been waiting for the scream of fighers past my flagship, the roar of the jump drive charging, and the crackle of the shields going down. I know this is the kind of finishing touches that would be made usually right before game release, and I know...