Recent content by Uthgoul

    1. U

      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th

      Ok so I\'ve been off for a few weeks due to the whole work thing but I\'m back now. I\'ll be off and on with this project but my hope at this point is to have the exterior completed within the next two weeks at which point I will upload it so people can outfit it based upon their needs. (it will...
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      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th

      Its not ready just yet, I\'m working on the rear portion but I\'ve been busy with some web development for work so progress has been sluggish. Hopefully this next week will be a bit more calm and I can finish the ship.
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      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th

      The Macros are all AM right now but I\'ve been debating converting them to missile as the projectile is a bit more authentic. I can tell you that each of the larger broadside cannons hold 20,000 of whatever weapon system is used so while I don\'t have a numeric value for you, you can rest...
    4. U

      Animated Voxel Ships (YOUR SHIPS WANTED) - (Showcase)

      It\'s only around 90% on completion of the hull but is this in line with what you\'re thinking for good looking ships? Uthgoul Eternal Crusader; Battlebarge of the Black Templars
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      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th Rear hull is nearing completion...
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      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th

      I\'ll go with \"Where there is a will, there is a way\" And the Black Templars will the Heretic and Xenos to burn! Though in all seriousness, If I have to do a 2 higher layer of missle blocks the length of the ship across the entire bottom and then add a floor above, I have the space and...
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      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th

      It depends entirely on the ship(s) carrying it out so long as they carry the viral bombs and cyclonic torpedos necessary to set off the chain reaction.
    8. U

      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th

      The exterior hull is around 60% and is fully outlined. I\'ve installed some systems due to pirate raids so it\'s power is 33 million with a 2mil recharge and the forward cannon\'s damage is at 400k.
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      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th

      I\'ll see if I can get some decent pics in a day or two of it though currently it still has a ways to go on the exterior. My roadmap at this point is exterior hull, hull detail, turrets, iconography (cathedrals and iconic locations) and finally functionality. Besides, if it comes together as...
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      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th

      There are 20 fighter bays measuring 18x12 each, the large cannons are fixed for broadsides, however the alcoves above as well as the spine of the ship will be outfitted with turrets.
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      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th

      Further hull progress and cannons added.
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      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th

      A little closer to 30-35%, getting close to the hard part which will be the commander center and core of the ship, I\'m thinking of setting the command center up in the cathedral on an alter to tie in with the gothic church feel of the ship\'s architecture.
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      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th

      The scale may be slightly off on those ships but they serve more as an example. The 40k wiki and the Lexicanum both mark battleships as being anywhere from just over 5k to 8k. The reason I went with the Eternal Crusader was because it was a named ship meaning I could scale it down with exacts...
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      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th

      Most of the gothic architecture of 40k ships is drasticly oversized for the ships. Below is a comparison for the main ships of the imperial fleet and it is worth noting that the stern of the battle barge has a 3km cruiser docked to it. (I may build that and find a way to dock it on as a scouting...
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      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th

      So I was inspired by some of the ships on here and decided I'd go for one of the longest serving ships in Warhammer 40,000 the Eternal Crusader Battlebarge. Fortress home of the Black Templars who have waged a non-ending 10,000 year crusade from the helm of this ship. It's total length is just...