Recent content by Uber

    1. Uber

      Underverse Cosmos

      Shortened the server name slightly to Undercosmos (verse and cosmos seemed kinda' redundant) it won't let me update the posts header for some reason* We have been playing Starmade off & on for quite some time now. Until recently we didn't see a need for a permanent server. Now with all the...
    2. Uber

      What Creatures/Aliens and other life forms would you like to see?

      Cities, villages, towns, etc. Colonizing planets would have an actual purpose if there was something to colonize them with. I read in an earlier suggestion about traders going from space station to space station. Something along this line but with actual cities/towns on the planets surface...
    3. Uber

      First thread!

      Initially, I would like to say awesome game! Also, as a prelude I am stating right off this is not me promoting another game, as I very strongly prefer Starmade to it. I am just putting it out there because it has some very unique game play elements I would like to see added into Starmade. I...