Recent content by TheOriginalBIT

    1. TheOriginalBIT

      Thruster/Engine 2.0

      What is it? It's a medium sized thruster/engine for a ship, that lights up when you're at speed. There is both a ship and template version supplied. I thought that people might appreciate (RP or otherwise) the aesthetic of it in their engine rooms, and also since the ship version is...
    2. TheOriginalBIT

      Allow display block writing

      Are you wanting to copy the contents of a single display to many displays?
    3. TheOriginalBIT

      Monospace font option for display blocks

      Apologies, I was out for way longer than expected. Here is what I got, I went a little overboard and made it more precise, it displays in increments of 10% per line, I could make it more compact by doing as the other one and showing it over 5 lines, but I quite liked the gradient that having 10...
    4. TheOriginalBIT

      Monospace font option for display blocks

      Ok so downloading the blueprint they've supplied it looks like they've gone for a far simpler approach. Just some replace firsts, achieved with 30 displays... Interesting. The trick is that they have patterns like these first 8 displays [REPLACEFIRST]▌[█▄░][WITH]▌ [REPLACEFIRST]▐[WITH]█▐...
    5. TheOriginalBIT

      Monospace font option for display blocks

      It's actually some fairly straight forward regex that one. The regex pattern would be .{1}(.*) . is consume any character and the {1} following it means to do it exactly 1 time. ( ) is a capture group, so something you can reuse later, and the .* inside means capture any character zero or more...
    6. TheOriginalBIT

      Monospace font option for display blocks

      I would say yes, display blocks only. One font for the game's HUD/menus and one for the display blocks, perhaps toggleable with the <style> tags. Would definitely help with alignment of elements on the display - like borders and such.
    7. TheOriginalBIT

      Monospace font option for display blocks

      Yeah, that's not quite as big, especially when you do have people doing things like this
    8. TheOriginalBIT

      Docked Entity Rail Transfer/Transition

      Yeah I had a little footnote under the first image The particular case I'm using this technique in it is actually a small fighter I want to transition from horizontal rails to vertical rails, the docker never gets anywhere near to touching the other rail.
    9. TheOriginalBIT

      Docked Entity Rail Transfer/Transition

      Apologies, I went through the first 10 pages of suggestions and couldn't see anything related to this.
    10. TheOriginalBIT

      Docked Entity Rail Transfer/Transition

      Backstory / Use case I've been working on some fairly compact and complicated rail systems and there are times when a docked entity needs to be transitioned between rails; for example the entity travelling horizontally and then needing to travel vertically. To achieve this I created the below...
    11. TheOriginalBIT

      Ship based repairing "yards"

      Oh, I always forget about the astrotech beams... they seem so useless given they don't replace blocks. Yeah this would be a potential solution as well. We have blueprints in the cores, so they'd be able to know what block needs to be added back. It could make for some really cool mechanisms...
    12. TheOriginalBIT

      Ship based repairing "yards"

      Yeah I did think about the size restriction thing, and for that I don't have an answer. But I don't see a problem with it being able to repair anything as long as that ship can fit inside its structure. To help distinguish the ships this is where I saw the internal blueprints coming into play...
    13. TheOriginalBIT

      Opposite of corner

      Oh nice! I didn't even think of that. Looks like it will be a good workaround for now Yeah I was thinking about other alternatives, and I definitely do like the idea of a single hull block and using things like paints to colour them and other ways to make the other shapes. It just has to be...
    14. TheOriginalBIT

      Opposite of corner

      How would a docked entity achieve this? This is what I mean If that helps clear it up? The easiest example I can think of It would go in this space And would keep the corner. For example, it wouldn't do this Or this So it would look like this in usage (excuse my poor photo editing...
    15. TheOriginalBIT

      Opposite of corner

      We have blocks We have wedges We have a hepta And we have the diametrically opposite tetra We have the corner But where is the diametrically opposite hull block for the corner? Recently I've had a few cases in my builds where a shape diametrically opposite to a corner would be...