Recent content by Strideynet

    1. S

      Enemy and drone ships shoot in random directions and turret bugs

      But when schema wants to fix it. AI is damn complicated to get right and this isnt his full time job ( I believe he has another). He can do what he wants to. Dont do a rocket hall case. He posted on twitter about playing KSP and everybody told him to shove it and finish DayZ. Give Game Devs A Break!
    2. S

      Better Core Over heating.

      Hydrogen doesnt explode without O2. Fire requires Heat/O2/Fuel. Nothing combusts without oxygen. Even if some was left over it would only yield a small explosian.
    3. S

      Better Core Over heating.

      This game is trying to have realistic physics. You cant have Giant Fireballs in a low or no O2 enviroment (Space)
    4. S

      Terran Federation (ex-Colonial Fleet faction)

      A mumble server is now open to all recruitees. PM me to find the details. This is a must for fast response members.
    5. S

      Paying? New Idea?

      So make the game free for people who play right now forever? We may help him with glitches but he gives us more then we give him so he deserves our money when it comes to release day. TBH, If you cant give a guy 3.33 for his time im suprised you can afford a computer. Thats like an hours work...
    6. S

      Terran Federation (ex-Colonial Fleet faction)

      I can inform you that work has begun on controlling a home sector for our use. The name however cannot be released until uppermost security has been prepared. The sector will have a planetary base and then floating a rather massive space station/ ultra Titan ship. We are building auto defense...
    7. S

      Terran Federation (ex-Colonial Fleet faction)

      Intyerested in command and engineering the main station faction home.