Recent content by Stormraven

    1. Stormraven

      I'm BAAAaaack! (And I'm bringing a new Logic Core with me!)

      Luckily most of the components, while not identical, run off of similar concepts. For example, most of the computer runs on sensors which detect specific words or phrases. So even in different parts of the computer where they might be slightly differently arranged, the core concepts are...
    2. Stormraven

      Mk 4 Hrolfsson Heavy Industries Logic Core 2017-08-25

      Greetings! Some of you may remember my last upload, the Mk1 logic core. Well, a lot has changed since then, and with advances in logic capabilities came significant improvements in both performance and overall mass. Compared to previous iterations, the Mark 4 is technically rather simplistic. A...
    3. Stormraven

      I'm BAAAaaack! (And I'm bringing a new Logic Core with me!)

      Good gods, the amount of space that would take... LoL I might be able to do separate components. Like, a chart for the warp drive, a chart for the name recognition protocols, etc...
    4. Stormraven

      Devblog 11th July 2017 - End Goal Document Part 1

      Okay... Am I the only one wondering what everyone's problem is? Seriously! If you want to build big but don't like the grind, USE CREATIVE MODE. If you want the more immersive play style, then GUESS WHAT, the grind is part of that. I love this game because it really lets you do whatever you...
    5. Stormraven

      I'm BAAAaaack! (And I'm bringing a new Logic Core with me!)

      Hey, so it's been... what... a year? Something like that! Anyway, a handful of you folks might remember my Logic Core with the programmable Chain Warp drive. Well, I worked for weeks on upgrading that shipboard computer, but before I ever got it uploaded my computer burned out. So I went from...
    6. Stormraven

      Building the Mk2 Logic Core!

      Ugh... So my computer exploded, and I have been SUPER busy. I literally JUST re-installed the game about half an hour ago, and the current build file for this piece is now gone... I'll have to start all over again from scratch. :(
    7. Stormraven

      Megaprojekt searching for help!

      Icebergs ;P
    8. Stormraven

      RegEx Calculation Dump

      You could use the same fuzzy logic towers I have in my HHI Logic Core Module to sort out a number from a sentence, regardless of formatting. If you wanted to do nothing but ensure the number reads correctly, you could even chop the tower down to a single column of 3-6 blocks. (Depending on...
    9. Stormraven

      Building the Mk2 Logic Core!

      IT'S ALMOST DONE!! We've now gone from THIS: To THIS: [/SPOILER]
    10. Stormraven

      Shifting Stations

      Totally possible. In fact, you could build a lockdown and self destruct feature into each room. Then either manually eject +detonate a room, OR set up the station to detect intruders and have it automated.
    11. Stormraven

      Building the Mk2 Logic Core!

      I briefly toyed with building a real meal system, that would allow you to order and one of a handful of smoothies. I decided that while it was totally possible, it was a touch too far for a joke. Lmao. (Also, that's a lot of entities causing lag just for RP smoothies.)
    12. Stormraven

      Building the Mk2 Logic Core!

      I'll bet none of you believed me. You read that line in my theoretical post up above and said "No. She's yanking our chain." But I wasn't. And now I present to you, the technological development of the century... [/SPOILER]
    13. Stormraven

      Building the Mk2 Logic Core!

      Either way, it's a system that would really need to be built into the shell of the ship, and is thus a bit beyond the scope of this logic core.
    14. Stormraven

      Building the Mk2 Logic Core!

      Lmao Turret tracking... Should be possible? Actually, the more I think about that, the more fun that sounds. I'd need to make a template with an infinitely stackable mod that you could plug in to the computer. 1 mod for each turret. Enemy counter: lolz. I wish. Speed: Totally doable! Shield...
    15. Stormraven

      Building the Mk2 Logic Core!

      I have learned more about computers and coding in the past month of playing this silly videogame than in the previous 25 years put together. Most. Educational. Game. Ever.