Recent content by srs008

    1. S

      Computational Feasibility of Ship Atmosphere

      "what's so bad about space engineers? I can name a few features that starmade would benefit from, and i know of one implemented in a different manner... who cares if the idea came from somewhere else? what matters is if it's applicable, and useful. I don't want air because MINECRAFT has it...
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      Planned Debris Fields

      that sounds really good actually, and to make it FAR more potent, I suggest that starmade SERVERS upload ships after 1 week that are NOT set to PRIVATE, ADMIN, or faction... at the same time, it downloads the latest catalogue... hence, we get a MASSIVE burst of new "direlicts"... a config option...
    3. S

      Read by Schine Decorative Suggestions/Improvements

      yeah, i grant you that... but that would not be overly hard to fix either, that pack must use a texture file for the new blocks anyway... so it should be fairly easy to mod the mod... or scrap parts... I think the text was chosen for ease of viewing... remember this text is viewed from multiple...
    4. S

      Read by Council (Idea) Jump Catapult

      I do like the idea, never played EVE (lack of decent internet being one issue) but i prefer the mass effect approach myself, (but it does need to be more inline with starmade), so MOVING the "target" takes an hour... this makes the system far more usable in starmade, by setting the destination...
    5. S

      Turrets enhanced and weapons extended

      actually, i like the thinking, with this method, we could just block normal turrets inside a ship entirely, then we can use these SPECIFICALLY for astronauts or small vehicles, solving the astronaut vs turret boarding issue, namely that any turret will EAT a CREW of astronauts. this way, we can...
    6. S

      Planned No more being sucked into ship cores; cockpits!

      (you realise that is actually episode 1 right? ) i propose a simple logical system, wherein a person in the FIRST cockpit is the captain/pilot, and any person entering the second is a useless sack of SXXX. until cockpit1 go boom that is. whereby, they automatcially gain control... HINT, then...
    7. S

      Read by Schine Decorative Suggestions/Improvements

      hell yes, how about we "cheat" and simply remove the "monitor" from the display block so it's see-through? pair it with a "computer" (the other half of it, or those old computer decorations) and we have "holographic" projectors... I remember the "early" display block bugs, it's a overlay...
    8. S

      Broadcast Beacons

      you realise you just solved the issue right? "recieve" beacon broadcasts by using the tag "[Beacon]" in the display screen... if your "in range" it places messages on the screen if you connect MULTIPLE display's together, each one simply reads a different broadcast. allowing us to have WALLS of...
    9. S

      Broadcast Beacons

      i can see a issue with this... i'll demonstrate it (in short) Troll: I CR@$H U Troll: I CR@$H U LOL Troll: I CRA$H U (one million times) that is how i can see the chat... or nearly as bad Shop1: black hull 100 shop2: black hull 99 shop3: white hull 50 station1: welcome visitor station2: you are...
    10. S

      Win 10 Home/Java 8u60 x64 crash on starting

      just adding to it, yeah, don't blame 10... this happened with update 40 on windows 7 AND 10... and update 60 on win 7... this obviously needs a looking into... this is my logfile by the way for anyone looking, throws up a PNG related error, and kills the game. please note, i've got an...
    11. S

      Improved Shop System

      well diverse shops would be nice, as for levelling it up, why not just use the "traffic" to decide it's level. E.g... a shop that is frequently used would level up quickly, but if that traffic was STOPPED. say by PIRATES hitting anything in range of the shop... it'll begin to deteriorate.. it's...
    12. S

      Read by Schine Design mode for the upcoming shipyard update

      lol, i'm hoping that when they say "repair crew" they are talking about NPC's that run around fixing the ship hopefully... a "crew'... it'd be nice to hire "turret" gunners that "anticipate" a ships movement, rather then trying to fire AT it (BOBBY AI) could have other benefits, like slow...
    13. S

      Read by Council Blank Parts and Blocks Idea

      actually, this idea is fantastic... not much use right NOW... but when the shipyards update happens, this allows a player to DESIGN a ship, even weapons design, i assume any block slaved to a computer is remembered... meaning that you could create a lattice work missile+missile tube for example...
    14. S

      Turret Shielding

      why not "siphon" a docked entity's stats to the mothership... be it ship or turret... any thrust, power... shielding... all get's added to the motherships stores... then a percentage of the motherships power... and shielding is passed along to ALL docked entities. that percentage could go as...
    15. S

      New Thruster

      well the "maneuvering" thrusters act directional, as in they pretend to render in a variety of directions regardless of block placement... which is what makes them great for "maneuvering"... the balanced would be not as efficient at directional charges, but also would have some strong "forward"...