Recent content by Saria

    1. S

      The SATURN Building Server [Open Membership]

      IGN:saria Current Faction / Shipyard:lmc Links to any of your work: litle ship bigship Time zone:present time Previous bans?:no Why you want to join the server:2build A little bit about you:i like to play halo games and sometimes minecraft but starmade is cool. sometimes i watch homer and...
    2. S

      Mushroom Fleet

      A geomancer would be someone who divined things from the earth, a pyromancer would divine things from fire, and a necromancer would divine things from the dead. They weren\'t wizards, they were more like psychics or oracles who could supposedly speak with things that nobody else could hear.
    3. S


      Good moirnng. In esls ahnt na hrou, atsrcraft rfom ehre will join others frmo oaurnd hte alagxy. Nad oyu llwi be naulcnhig the lgarest ecspa atbtel in iths ohtirys fo istaostidrnegr. Nrdsrtigotiaes -- htta owrd slhoud ahve new meagnni for lal fo su odtay. Ew acn\'t be cosneudm by oru ptety...
    4. S

      Warhammer 40K and who plays it.

      it\'s okay to have wrong opinions i guess if youre stupid
    5. S

      Warhammer 40K and who plays it.

      < dawn of war champ
    6. S

      Why did I get banned from the chat?

      you got banned for being ugly and unlikable. i would suggest changing your name and not showing anyone your face if you want to be allowed to socialize with people.
    7. S


      i need 1000 ice crystals asap. construction cannot continue without the ice crystals
    8. S

      Starmade ULTIMATE SHIP NAME COLLECTION! -Not for the faint of heart-

      a lot of the names are listed multiple times and its not really organized in any way 0/10 lame names
    9. S


      drew up a very rough floorplan for the battlecruiser i\'ll be building. let me know if you\'d like anything changed.
    10. S


      Fuckit, this could be fun. Application for Admission into Reaper Academy: In-Game Name: Saria Age: 19 Position Desired: Engineering Skills: Hopefully these speak for...
    11. S

      Orbital Defense Platform - New Version!

      My faction actually has a need for something like this to place around our borders, shopclusters and outposts to deter undesirables from the region. I invite you apply here:, we\'d love to have you. Hope you\'ll consider us!
    12. S

      Quick, Very Biased, Possibly Humorous/Insulting Overview of Factions on Illusive.

      we also need our factory spawned back in it had more than 100 million L5s and was on a loop creating infinite blocks lol