Recent content by RossTerra

    1. RossTerra

      Voyager T1A 2017-05-26

      Type T1A Voyager Space Train Stats can be seen here:
    2. RossTerra

      'The Cobalt' V1

      The Cobalt Personal Fighter It includes: x2 Cannon Computer + x20 Cannon Modules (Rapid Fire) x1 Faction Module x1 Rail Docker x1 Rail Basic x1 Jump Drive + x6 Jump Drive Modules x1 Scanner Computer + x6 Scanner Antenna Stats can be seen here:
    3. RossTerra

      [DELETED POST] - Previously 'The Nexus'

    4. RossTerra

      Project Riryu

      Damn, that's a cool ship. I tried making a 3000x3000 city station, can't get over 10fps, so good luck!
    5. RossTerra

      StarMade Surprise Update

      Wow, that took way too long to get.
    6. RossTerra

      StarMade Surprise Update

      You got it?
    7. RossTerra

      StarMade Surprise Update

      This is annoying me, I can't get the password.
    8. RossTerra

      [DELETED POST] - Previously 'The Intergalactic Republic - News'

      Hello Judge, The Republic is currently negotiating with factions in different galaxies. Information will be released within the next few weeks. We are still currently constructing the Acclamator Assault Ship.
    9. RossTerra

      [DELETED POST] - Previously 'The Intergalactic Republic'

      We have created a Discord server for people to talk about the faction. Discord
    10. RossTerra

      [DELETED POST] - Previously 'The Intergalactic Republic - News'

      25/3/3259 The Galactic Republic Renamed, Now the Intergalactic Republic The Galactic Republic is no more. The Intergalactic Republic has now begun. Due to the latest discoveries of new galaxies, we are now an intergalactic government.
    11. RossTerra

      [DELETED POST] - Previously 'The Intergalactic Republic - News'

      13/3/3259 First Senators Officially Announced The first 2 senators of the Intergalactic Senate have been officially announced, as Senator Rai Vintorez, and Senator Bagatur.
    12. RossTerra

      [DELETED POST] - Previously 'The Intergalactic Republic - News'

    13. RossTerra

      [DELETED POST] - Previously 'The Intergalactic Republic'

    14. RossTerra

      Nova Corporation - Standard Warpgate MK1

      Standard warpgate of Nova Corporation. Stats can be seen here:
    15. RossTerra

      Custom Ship Classes (Read for more info)

      Absolutely no problem, mate.